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 2020-04-23 20:13:38  

摘 要

伴随着“互联网” 和Web3.0快速来临,很多提供人们交流和沟通的虚拟空间也随之出现和发展,例如微博、BBS论坛等。在BBS论坛中,用户之间通过发帖和回帖的形式建立联系,形成虚拟社区中一种新的互动形式。作为网络作为电子信息服务的一种,学习型网站论坛为双方的提供了一个公共交流和学习知识的平台。随着移动互联网时代的来临,获取信息方式被改变。很大部分的大学生迫于就业压力或是期望深造,获得更好的发展,考研已经成为生的选择之一,考研形势也愈加严峻。作为学习型的网络论坛—考研论坛,提供了丰富的信息,是考研党进行相互讨论、互相探讨必不可少的途径。


关键词:学习型论坛 网站评价 考研论坛Investigation and analysis of the current situation of learning-type Network Forum —— Based on the evaluation of the website


With the rapid advent of "Internet" and web 3.0, many virtual spaces for people to communicate and communicate have also appeared and developed, such as micro-blogs, BBS forums and so on. In BBS forum, users connect with each other through posts and replies, forming a new interactive form in virtual community. As a kind of network as an electronic information service, the learning Website Forum provides a common platform for both sides to exchange and learn knowledge. With the advent of the Mobile Internet era, access to information has been changed. Due to the pressure of employment or the expectation of further study, a large number of college students obtain better development. The postgraduate entrance examination has become one of the choices for students. As a learning-type network forum, it provides abundant information and is an indispensable way for the party to discuss and discuss with each other.

Firstly, this paper defines the concept of learning forum website, and summarizes the research status of learning forum and website evaluation. Then, the paper investigates and analyzes the current situation of the Forum for postgraduate entrance examination for learning, mainly from the component elements of website evaluation, and investigates the current situation of each element of the forum's website for postgraduate entrance examination for learning From the five aspects of website content, website design, Website Forum Service, Forum section and online shopping service, and in-depth comparative analysis of the various elements, summarized the status quo and problems of the development of the learning-type postgraduate entrance examination forum website. On the basis of theoretical research, this paper makes a comparative study on the elements of the evaluation index of the website of the Forum for postgraduate entrance examination by determining the Comparative Index. Finally, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to improve the comprehensive evaluation level of the website of the learning forum-the Forum for postgraduate entrance examination.

Key Words: Original design; Women's clothing Online Store; Competitiveness;


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 2

1.3 研究内容 2

1.4 研究方法与思路 3

1.4.1 研究方法 3

1.4.2 研究思路 3

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 概念界定 5

2.1.1网络论坛 5

2.1.2 学习型网络论坛 5

2.2 学习型考研论坛综述 5

2.3 网站评价综述 7

2.3.1论坛评价的概念界定 7

2.4 研究述评 8

第三章 学习型论坛的现状调查 9

3.1考研论坛网站的构成要素 9

3.2 对比指标的确定 11

3.2.1 .网站的信息服务 11

3.2.2 网站设计 13

3.2.3论坛网站服务 14

3.2.4 论坛版块 16

3.2.5 网购服务 17

3.2.6 指标组织结构图 19

3.3 数据的获取 19

第四章 学习型考研论坛网现状分析 20

4.1 现状对比 20

4.1.1 .网站的信息服务对比 20

4.1.2 网站设计对比 23

4.1.3 论坛网站服务对比 25

4.1.4论坛版块对比 28

4.1.5 网购服务 32

4.2 现状总结 34

第五章 考研论坛存在的问题及对策 37

5.1 存在的问题 37

5.1.1 学习型考研网站存在空页面和死链接 37

5.1.2 页面设计混乱影响用户的访问 37

5.1.3 功能服务意识还有待加强 37

5.1.4 个性服务水平还有待加强 38

5.1.5 网购服务体系有待改善 38

5.2 具体对策 38

5.2.1 加强链接的管理和更新 38

5.2.2 改善网站页面设计和风格 39

5.2.3完善网站的功能服务 39

5.2.4 建立一体化的、个性化的服务 39

5.2.5 借鉴互联网网购平台经验,完善网购服务 40

结论与展望 42

参考文献 44

致 谢 47

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景



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