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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2022-07-02 22:25:28  


摘 要



关键词:食品产业 高绩效人力资源管理系统 洽洽食品

The analysis of high performance human resource management system’s characteristics in food industry


High Performance Human Resource Management System plays a pivotal role in long-term development of any business or growth stage, enterprises must constantly improve their competitiveness and core competitiveness, for their own survival and development. Human resource is core one in all resources, it’s important to improve the core competitiveness and develop human resource competition countermeasure. Enterprises must reduce the cost, improve management efficiency and their own human resource management methods if they want to develop continuously and healthy in the fierce competitive. Human resource is the first resource essential, it’s the core competitive power for enterprises. Optimizing the core of human resources ability, enhancing the development and utilization of resource, are the most matters of concern for enterprising businessman.

In this paper, it states the importance of strengthening on human resource management in catering industry private enterprises the basis of the theoretical research management. It makes researches and analysis especially on catering industry, pointing out its existing human-resources problems, especially recruitment training, performance appraisal and salary administration as well as the analysis of reasons for the problems. This paper will be from the background, aim, cases (for example in food Qiaqia) analyze and solve problems, etc., on the characteristics of the food industry, high-performance human resource management system to analyze. In order to excavate the problems of the high-performance human resource management system in China's food industry and resolve them as a foundation.

Key Words: Food Industry High Performance Human Resource Management System Qiaqia


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的 2

第二章 文献回顾 3

2.1高绩效人力资源管理系统的理论回顾 3

2.2食品产业高绩效人力资源管理的分析 4

第三章 案例研究——以“洽洽”为例 5

3.1案例选择 5

3.2研究方法 5

3.3案例分析 6

3.3.1分工不明确的人力资源规划 6

3.3.2人员结构单一的招聘与配置 7

3.3.3缺乏对员工专业培训与技能开发 8

3.3.4模糊而又无法落实的绩效指标与考核程序 8

3.3.5不具有激励性的薪酬设计与福利政策 9

3.3.6没有劳动合同无视基层员工权益的劳动关系 11

第四章 总结 13

4.1研究结论 13

4.1.1明确分工的工作说明与详细工作分析 13

4.1.2提高入职门槛、设置多重选拔程序 13

4.1.3善于发现内部人才进行内部晋升 14

4.1.4分享员工切身利益决策权的员工参与 15

4.1.5加强员工安全操作培训 15

4.2管理启示 16

4.3展望 16

参考文献 18

第一章 绪论






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