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 2022-06-28 23:41:56  


摘 要


本论文详细说明了旅游网站的研究背景、国内外研究现状与发展动态、研究内容与思路、研究方法与技术、需求与可行性分析、总体设计、网站设计与实现,叙述了本亲子旅游网站设计与实现的详细过程。本亲子旅游网站就是一个以亲子为主导来介绍各景点信息的旅游网站,主要开发平台为Windows 7,使用Access和后台数据库SQL Sever 2008来保存数据,网页主要语言为ASP.NET与HTML,主要通过网页制作工具Dreamweaver CS5进行网页编辑,在图片编辑方面主要采用photoshop,网站的本地测试是通过织梦平台实现,系统简单、易用、高效。

关键词:HTML ASP.NET 亲子旅游网站 SQL数据库 Access

Design and Implementation of Parent-child Travel Website


With the popularization of the Internet world, as well as the development of the national economy and the life level, the tourism industry has been rapid development, and to issue travel information through the establishment of tourism website has become the powerful tourism companies enhance the competitiveness of the. Nowadays, many travel enthusiasts used to browse through travel site to query the various tourist attractions, people will travel to order, directly in the tourism site compared to this, more convenient and more efficient, travel lovers can freely about tourist attractions, tourism packages. So it is widely used in the rapid development of the tourism industry and the Internet today, tourism website has become a thriving scene, and tourism enterprises have more advantages than the entity.
This paper details the tourism website research background, domestic and foreign research situation and development trends, research content and ideas, research methods and technology, the demand and feasibility analysis, overall design, website design and implementation, describes the parent-child travel web site design and implementation process in detail. The parent-child travel website is a parent-child as leading to the various attractions tourist site, the main development platform for Windows 7, Access and the backstage database SQL Sever 2008 to store the data, Webpage main language for ASP.NET and HTML, mainly through the Webpage maker Dreamweaver CS5 Webpage editing, editing in the picture is using Photoshop, site of the local test is realized by dedecms platform, system is simple, easy to use, efficient.

Keywords:HTML;ASP.NET;Parent-child Travel Website;SQL Database;Access

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 旅游业的发展 1

1.1.2 旅游网站的发展现状 1

1.2 国内外研究现状与发展动态 3

1.2.1 国内外研究现状 3

1.2.2 国内发展动态 3

1.3 研究内容与研究思路 5

1.3.1 研究目标与内容 5

1.3.2 研究思路 5

1.4 研究技术及方法 6

1.4.1 网站开发软件 6

1.4.2 运行环境要求 7

第二章 亲子旅游网站分析 7

2.1 亲子旅游网站需求分析 7

2.2 亲子旅游网站可行性分析 8

2.2.1 市场可行性 9

2.2.2 技术可行性 9

2.2.3经济可行性 9

2.2.4管理可行性 9

2.2.5法律可行性 10

第三章 总体设计 10

3.1 系统功能模块划分 10

3.1.1 网站首页模块设计 10

3.1.2 子页面模块设计 10

3.2 系统流程图 10

第四章 网站具体设计与实现 11

4.1 设计目标 11

4.2 界面设计 11

4.2.1 首页设计 11

4.2.2 城市子页面设计 15

4.2.3 景点页面设计 18

4.2.4 登录页面设计 19

4.2.5 注册页面设计 19

4.2.6 留言页面设计 20

4.3 代码实现 22

4.3.1 首页代码 22

4.3.2 城市子页面代码 24

4.3.3 景点页面代码 26

4.3.4 登录页面代码 27

4.3.5 注册页面代码 28

4.3.6 留言页面代码 28

4.4 网站的测试 28

第五章 网站评价 29

第六章 总结与展望 29

参考文献 31

附件 33

致谢 55


图 1–1 研究思路 6


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