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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2022-06-24 23:15:40  


摘 要


本文通过对前人在企业不同生命周期下提出的保持核心员工方法的梳理,整理出基本的写作思路。全文共分六章,为了给论文的写作打好基础,本文先从核心员工和企业生命周期理论入手,对基本的概念进行解析。在前人研究的基础上,试图根据马斯洛的需要层次理论,从精神和物质两方面入手,探讨在企业的不同生命周期下企业自身的因素对核心员工流失的影响 。再站在员工的角度,提取出对于企业核心员工来说,企业哪些方面的合理安排对于他们具有较大的吸引力。本论文在综合考虑企业和员工影响核心员工保持因素的基础上,同时参考前人提出的保持企业核心员工的方法以及企业不同生命周期的特点,提出了在企业不同的生命周期下加强核心员保持的有效措施。

关键词:核心员工 企业生命周期 需要层次理论

Business core staff remain under different life cycle


In modern society, competition among enterprises is increasingly fierce , therefore the core talent is becoming the core competitiveness of enterprises to maintain a strong guarantee. This paper argues that to retain the company's core staff effectively, the companies need to combine the characteristics of different life cycle to take corresponding measures to keep the employees.

The paper sorts out different life cycles in the enterprise proposed, and sorts out the basic writing ideas .This paper is consists of six chapters, in order to lay a solid foundation for the writing of the paper, it start from core staff and business start life cycle theory,and the basic concept for resolution. On the basis of previous studies, this paper is based on the basis of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, from spiritual and material aspects to explore the factors that affect their businesses in different life cycle . And from the perspective of the employees, to study how corporate provide reasonable arrangement to appeal the core employees. This paper is based on a combination of factors affecting businesses and employees , and refers to the features in the different life cycle of the companies as well as the ways to maintain core staff which proposed by predecessors. In the end , the paper proposes effective measures to maintain the core staff in the different life cycles of the companies.

Key word: Core staff; Business life cycle; Hierarchy of needs theory

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究的思路 1

1.4研究内容及论文框架 2

第二章 企业生命周期下核心员工保持的理论基础 3

2.1核心员工理论 3

2.2企业生命周期理论 4

第三章 企业不同生命周期下核心员工保持的困境 5

3.1企业初创期核心员工保持的困境 5

3.2企业成长期核心员工保持的困境 5

3.3企业成熟期核心员工保持的困境 6

3.4企业衰退期核心员工保持的困境 7

第四章 影响核心员工保持的因素分析 8

4.1 企业的培养计划和职业生涯设计 8

4.2 企业的薪酬、福利政策 8

4.3企业文化 9

4.4 企业管理者的水平 9

4.5 沟通渠道的完善程度 10

4.6 用人管理制度的完善程度 10

第五章 企业不同生命周期下保持核心员工的方法 11

5.1企业初创期核心员工的保持方法 11

5.2企业成长期核心员工的保持方法 11

5.3企业成熟期核心员工的保持方法 12

5.4企业衰退期核心员工的保持方法 13

第六章 研究结论 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17

第一章 绪论






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