2022-04-08 20:27:23
摘 要
本文的主要研究结果如下:1.按照JC/T 603-2004标准进行胶砂成型,对于新拌浆体性能,纳米SiO2的掺入较大程度增加了用水量,与此对应的增加了减水剂的用量,在保持水灰比不变的前提下,随着纳米SiO2的掺量增加,减水剂的用量也不断增加。2.掺杂纳米SiO2的水泥浆体在不同养护制度下对收缩的影响不同,在水中养护的试块收缩的不是很明显,在标准中养护的试块在3d的收缩最明显,后面的7d、14d、21d、28d时,收缩有所下降,在3%的NaSO4溶液中养护的试块,试块收缩的不是很明显。3.通过XRD和压汞等微观测试可以初步认为纳米SiO2颗粒改性水泥砂浆收缩的作用机理主要为活性作用、晶核作用和填充作用。
关键词:硅酸盐水泥 纳米SiO2 微观结构 收缩
Study of nano-SiO2 modification on drying
shrinkage of cement materials
As a traditional building material, cement-based cement materials has been widely used, but with the development of the times, because of a different environment, climate and others, cement-based materials made different requirements. Conventional materials can not meet these performance requirements. Since the cement paste C-S-H gel in the nanometer scale, so as new functional materials, the nano materials will be a natural link with it. Because of its special nature, nano materials can improve the strength of cement, durability, weather resistance, etc., and it has been widely used. This article will take nano-SiO2 into cement slurry, studying its impact on the drying shrinkage of cement mortar and observing the microscopic structure of the preliminary exploration of the microscopic mechanism by XRD and mercury and other microscopic.
The main findings are as follows: 1. In accordance with JC / T 603-2004 standard, when making fresh slurry performance by plastic molding sand, incorporation of nano-SiO2 increased water consumption in a greater degree, and this corresponds to an increase of water reduction amount. Maintaining the water-cement ratio the same premise, with the nano-SiO2 content increased, the amount of water reducer is also increasing. 2. In different curing system, there are different influences of drying shrinkage. In water, drying shrinkage is not very evident. In the standard curing oven, curing shrinkage test in 3d is the most obvious, in the back of 7d, 14d, 21d, 28d, shrinkage declined. In 3% NaSO4 solution, the conservation test piece is not evident. 3. BY XRD and mercury and other microscopic test, preliminary mechanism of SiO2 nanoparticles modifying cement drying shrinkage can be mainly considered as active role, the role of nucleation and filling role.
Keywords: Portland cement nano-SiO2 microstructure drying shrinkage
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 纳米材料的简介 1
1.3 纳米SiO2的制备 2
1.3.1 沉淀法 2
1.3.2 溶胶-凝胶法 2
1.3.3 微乳液法 2
1.4 纳米SiO2的应用 3
1.4.1 纳米SiO2应用于抗菌领域 3
1.4.2 纳米SiO2应用于光学领域 3
1.5 纳米颗粒材料的局限 3
1.6 课题研究的内容和目的 4
1.6.1 研究内容 4
1.6.2 研究目的 4
第二章 实验材料及实验方法 5
2.1 实验材料 5
2.2 实验仪器及设备 7
2.3 实验流程图 8
2.4 实验方法 8
2.4.1 实验准备 8
2.4.2 胶砂制备及试体成型 9
2.4.3 试体养护、存放和测量 9
2.4.4 结果计算与处理 9
2.5.5 微观测试 9
第三章 纳米SiO2的掺入对硅酸盐水泥收缩性能的影响 11
3.1 前言 11
3.2 纳米SiO2的掺入对水泥标准稠度用水量的影响 11
3.3 未掺杂粉煤灰时纳米SiO2的掺入对硅酸盐水泥收缩率的影响 12
3.3.1 相同掺量纳米SiO2的养护龄期对水泥收缩率的影响 12
3.3.2 不同掺量纳米SiO2在相同龄期对水泥收缩率的影响 14
3.4 掺杂粉煤灰时纳米SiO2的掺入对硅酸盐水泥收缩率的影响 17
3.4.1 相同掺量纳米SiO2的养护龄期对水泥收缩率的影响 17
3.4.2 不同掺量纳米SiO2在相同龄期对水泥收缩率的影响 20
3.5 不同养护制度对硅酸盐水泥浆体收缩性的影响 22
3.6 本章小结 23
第四章 纳米SiO2对水泥砂浆收缩性影响的机理研究 24
4.1 压汞实验结果及分析 24
4.2 纳米SiO2影响硅酸盐水泥收缩性机理探讨 26
4.3 本章小结 27
第五章 结论与展望 28
5.1 结论 28
5.2 展望 28
参考文献 29
致谢 29
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