2022-04-08 20:27:09
摘 要
丁酸梭菌是一种新的芽孢益生菌制剂,具有耐热、耐酸和耐多种抗生素等优点,还可以对宿主产生各种积极的作用,如调节肠道菌群平衡、保持胃肠道正常功能、产生有益物质等,具有广阔的前景。耐辐射奇异球菌Deinococcus wulumuqiensis R12在一定条件下具有合成海藻糖的能力。通过NCBI序列比对发现,D. wulu R12中含有海藻糖合成酶基因。海藻糖合成酶是海藻糖最简单合成途径中的关键酶。本实验采用PCR的方法,克隆了来源于R12的这段海藻糖合成酶的核苷酸序列,导入到丁酸梭菌中。首先,将海藻糖合成酶目的基因连接到pSY6上,通过电转法将重组质粒转化到丁酸梭菌中。RCM中过夜培养后,转接到新的发酵培养基中,当其OD值达到约0.6-0.8时,加入终浓度为1 mM的IPTG,在二十摄氏度条件下诱导八小时,取样检测酶活和蛋白表达量。实验表明,SDS-PAGE蛋白电泳显示目的蛋白的大小大约在六十六千道尔顿经过酶活检测发现表达的目的蛋白能够一步催化麦芽糖合成海藻糖,以30%麦芽糖为底物在三十摄氏度条件下反应一小时,通过HPLC检测麦芽糖转化率可以得出结论:该海藻糖合成酶在三十摄氏度,pH为7.0时催化效率最高,具有较高的应用价值。
Cloning and Expression of treS Gene from Clostridium butyricum in Escherichia coli
Clostridium butyricum as a new generation of Bacillus probiotics, compared to non Bacillus probiotics with heat, acid and resistant to multiple antibiotics and other biological characteristics, can produce a variety of health effects to the host. Such as the regulation of intestinal micro ecological balance, stability in gastrointestinal function, resulting in probiotic substance, improve immunity and promote animal growth, with better prospects for and application.Deinococcus wulumuqiensis R12 has the ability to produce trehalose under the extreme conditions. Through NCBI sequence alignment, D. wulu R12 contains the trehalose synthase gene (treS). The sequence encoding treS was cloned by PCR, and then be inserted into the host E.coli TOP10(PAN2). The recombinant plasmid was then be cultivated in the RCM medium overnight, when the OD value reached between 0.6 to 0.8, adding 1 mM IPTG to induce for 8 h at 20℃. After sampling detection of enzyme activity and protein expression, a novel protein band of 66 kDa was detected by SDS-PAGE analysis. After determination of the activity of the enzyme, it was found that this trehalose synthase can catalyze the reversible interconversion of maltose and trehalose. When using 30 % maltose as substrate, reacting at 30 ℃ for 1 h, it was found that the optimum reaction temperature and pH for recombinant trehalose synthase was 30 ℃, pH 7.0, respectively, the conversion yield was reached to 57%.
Key words: Clostridium butyricum; trehalose synthase; cloning; expression
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1 丁酸梭菌及海藻糖的背景 1
1.2 海藻糖合成酶 4
1.3 本课题的研究内容及研究手段 5
第二章 实验材料与方法 7
2.1实验材料 7
2.2实验方法 8
2.2.1主要溶液成分与培养基 8
2.2.2耐辐射奇异球菌总DNA的提取 9
2.2.3海藻糖合成酶基因的扩增 9
2.2.4目的基因的回收 10
2.2.5 PCR产物与T载体连接 11
2.2.6 重组质粒转化DH5α 11
2.2.7 重组单克隆的PCR验证 12
2.2.8 表达载体的构建 12
2.2.9 重组质粒双酶切与目的片段的回收 13
2.2.10 连接与转化 14
2.2.11 重组表达载体的PCR验证 14
2.2.12 重组菌的诱导表达 15
2.2.13 表达产物的SDS-PAGE分析 15
2.2.14 重组海藻糖合成酶酶活测定 17
2.2.15镍柱纯化 18
第三章 结果与讨论 19
3.1 treS-Dw基因同源性分析 19
3.2耐辐射奇异球菌基因组提取 20
3.3海藻糖合成酶PCR扩增 21
3.4 PCR产物与质粒双酶切 22
3.5重组菌PCR验证 23
3.6重组质粒的提取 24
3.7海藻糖合成酶的表达及纯化 25
3.8海藻糖合成酶的动力学分析 26
第四章 结语 29
参考文献 30
致谢 34
1.1 丁酸梭菌及海藻糖的背景
1.1.1 丁酸梭菌
丁酸梭菌(Clostridium butyricum)属于梭菌,是一种厌氧菌,它也被称为宫入菌、 酪酸梭菌。培养前期,细菌的革兰氏染色呈阳性,但是在培养后期,细菌的革兰氏染色却相反。丁酸梭菌在人体内能耐受各种消化液的腐蚀作用,正因为如此,它才能生活在人和动物肠道中。此外,它还具有一些其他的特性,如只对少数抗生素如新生霉素、万古霉素和四环素等敏感,对其他很多种抗生素都具有很强的耐药性,其应用前景很良好。