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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-01-31 21:19:59  


摘 要




关键词:民营企业 互联网 电子商务网站 网络营销

Investigation and Analysis of the Application of E-commerce Websites in Private Enterprises in Wuxi


Under the current rapid development of the Internet, e-commerce, as a new business model, is constantly impacting the traditional business model, and the degree of integration of various large and medium-sized enterprises with e-commerce is also increasing. The most direct manifestation of e-commerce is e-commerce websites. As a result, companies pay more attention to the operation of e-commerce websites and place a large amount of money and manpower on them. They hope that they will win opportunities for enterprise development through the advantages of information networks.

This article takes the e-commerce website of Wuxi private enterprises as the research object, analyzes its application, uses literature research, questionnaires, and other research methods to objectively and comprehensively understand the development status of private enterprises in Wuxi and private enterprises use e-commerce websites to develop. The situation of e-commerce activities. On the basis of simple understanding of Wuxi's private enterprise e-commerce website, through questionnaires, we deeply understand the common problems in the development of e-commerce in private enterprises in Wuxi.

Finally, combined with the investigation and analysis results and the study of relevant literature, this article addresses the weaknesses in e-commerce awareness, the shortage of e-commerce talent, the poor business conditions of web sites, the lack of features of web site design, and the security of online transactions in e-commerce sites of private enterprises in Wuxi. To perfect these issues, they respectively put forward solutions and measures that are suitable for private enterprises in Wuxi: improve e-commerce awareness and train professionals; establish a good network image and maintain friendly contact with customers; rationally allocate and enrich content; improve safety system.

Key Words: Private Enterprise; Internet ; E-commerce Website; E-Marketing

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 导论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的和意义 2

1.2.1 研究目的 2

1.2.2 研究意义 2

1.3 研究内容与方法 2

1.3.1 研究内容 2

1.3.2 研究路线 2

1.3.3 研究方法 3

第二章 文献综述 5

2.1 民营企业发展综述 5

2.2 电子商务发展与电子商务网站运用研究综述 6

2.2.1 电子商务发展综述 6

2.2.2 电子商务网站运用研究综述 7

第三章 无锡民营企业电子商务网站应用情况调查 9

3.1 无锡民营企业电子商务网站的概述 9

3.1.1 民营企业电子商务网站的作用 9

3.1.2 无锡民营企业电子商务网站的应用概况 10

3.1.3 民营企业电子商务网站影响因素分析 11

3.2 问卷调查 12

3.2.1 问卷调查目的 12

3.2.2 设计调查问卷 12

3.2.3 发放调查问卷 13

3.2.4 回收调查问卷 14

第四章 无锡民营企业电子商务网站应用情况统计分析 15

4.1 企业基本信息分析 15

4.2 电子商务网站基本信息分析 16

4.3 电子商务网站业务情况分析 18

4.4 电子商务网站使用效果分析 20

4.5 电子商务网站发展情况分析 21

第五章 民营企业电子商务网站存在问题及解决措施 25

5.1 存在问题 25

5.2 解决措施 27

5.2.1 提高电子商务认识,培养电子商务人才 27

5.2.2 塑造良好网络形象,维系与客户关系 28

5.2.3 优化布局导向,丰富网站内容 29

5.2.4 完善电子商务网站安全体系 30

总结与展望 31

参考文献 32

致谢 34

附录 35

第一章 导论

1.1 研究背景


由此,在如今信息网络高速发展的时刻,“互联网 ”与民营经济相结合共同推进发展成为民营企业的一个有力前进方向。面对具有丰富经营管理经验、具备强大资金实力的外资企业的冲击,民营企业尤其感觉到了同行业竞争的巨大压力,而当前经济形势下,各大民营企业都纷纷将经营竞争范围扩大,传统形式的销售服务竞争已不能满足企业不断发展的需要,此时应运而生的电子商务成为企业关注的热点项目,所以企业是否拥有自己的电子商务网站成为体现信息化水平高低的重要因素,也是民营企业赶超国有大企业的一个绝佳机会,对民营企业各个方面都有较大影响。


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