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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 电子商务 > 正文


 2022-01-05 21:44:39  


摘 要



关键词:生鲜电商 新型电商 微信 每日优鲜

Analysis of Fresh E-commerce Mode Based on Wechat

——Take Missfresh for example


With the continuous development of society, people have refined needs in daily life, especially the requirements of the middle and high-end groups for quality of their life. In order to meet the rising "high pursuit" of people, various forms of e-commerce have emerged today with the penetration of Internet technology.Today, social networks represented by WeChat maintain the most basic communication links between people and also build bridges for business communication. Taking this opportunity, the development of fresh e-commerce on WeChat platform has become a proposition.

In the first place, this paper introduces the research focus and status of fresh e-commerce and e-commerce based on WeChat . Through the questionnaire, further explore the influencing factors of the development of fresh e-commerce on WeChat, raise questions, and put forward suggestions on the development of fresh e-commerce on WeChat in combination with relevant issues; Then, taking the development of Missfresh as an example, it analyzes its current situation and its development mode based on WeChat platform. Finally, it summarizes the enlightenment brought by the development of Missfresh based on WeChat. Combined with the above research, it is hoped that valuable suggestions can be summarized for the development of fresh e-commerce on WeChat platform and suggestions for improvement with reference meaning can be put forward for the development of Missfresh.

Key Words: fresh e-commerce; new e-commerce; WeChat ; Missfresh


摘 要 I


目录 I

第一章 引言 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2研究内容与方法 1

1.2.1研究内容 1

1.2.2拟采取的研究方法 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1微信电商的研究 4

2.1.1微信电商的研究现状 4

2.1.2微信电商的发展现状 6

2.2生鲜电商的研究 6

2.2.1生鲜电商的研究现状 6

2.2.2生鲜电商的发展现状 10

2.3生鲜电商于微信平台发展的综合评述 11

第三章 基于微信发展的生鲜电商模式及问题分析 12

3.1生鲜电商在微信平台发展的影响因素调查 12

3.1.1生鲜电商在微信平台发展的影响因素调查设计 12

3.1.2生鲜电商在微信平台发展的影响因素调查数据分析 12

3.2基于微信的生鲜电商模式研究 17

3.2.1生鲜电商在微信平台发展的五大模式 17

3.2.2微信与其他电商平台对比优势分析 18

3.3生鲜电商在微信平台发展中的不足 20

3.3.1缺乏商品和店铺评价通道用户体验欠缺 20

3.3.2平台社交属性牢固导致用户习惯难改 21

3.3.3平台正向流量引导不足品牌专业形象难塑 22

3.3.4平台组织碎片化力有不逮难成规模 22

第四章 基于微信的生鲜电商模式发展策略分析 24

4.1生鲜电商在微信平台发展的渠道策略分析 24

4.1.1利用“朋友圈”发展生鲜电商 24

4.1.2利用“微信公众号”发展生鲜电商 25

4.1.3利用“微信群”发展生鲜电商 26

4.1.4利用“微信小程序”发展生鲜电商 27

4.2生鲜电商在微信平台发展的用户策略分析 27

4.2.1以用户为中心注重使用感受改变用户习惯 27

4.2.2描绘用户画像丰富消费场景实现“低粒度、高精度”精准营销 28

4.3生鲜电商在微信平台发展的运营策略分析 28

4.3.1建立生态型商业关系掌握不同的营销模式 28

4.3.2智能化运营持续有效降低成本 29

第五章 基于微信平台发展的每日优鲜模式案例研究 30

5.1每日优鲜的平台客户服务模式 30

5.1.1“用户为中心”的服务宗旨 30

5.1.2高精度的用户画像服务精准 31

5.1.3消费场景全布局达成可持续消费关系 31

5.2每日优鲜的平台运营模式 32

5.2.1以“服务”为核心的运营理念 33

5.2.2智能化运营保质保量 34

5.2.3多样性营销模式促成生态型商业关系降低成本 35

5.3基于微信发展的每日优鲜案例总结 36

结束语 38

参考文献 40

附录1调查问卷 43


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