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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-05-11 21:04:59  

摘 要


  1. 使用操作简便的溶液浸渍法,将涂层材料悬浮液涂覆在纸基材料上,经烘干得到具有良好抗润湿性能的涂层。水在涂层上的接触角大于 120°,油在涂层上的接触角大于90°,涂层具有疏水性及疏油性。当稍微倾斜使得纸基材料与桌面呈一定角度时,水滴可在涂层表面滚动,表明涂层具有动态润湿性能。
  2. 在纸基材料上涂覆成膜,分析和优化了硬脂酸铜涂层材料及疏油改性剂种类、用量,涂覆工艺对防止精油液相基质的润湿和扩散作用的影响关系。
  3. 溶液浸渍法操作简单,它不受纸基材料的尺寸、形状等限制。

关键词:纸基材料;疏油性;双疏材料; 溶液浸渍法


In this thesis,based on the theory of solid surface wettability,using simple solution bathing method,rough coating with thinning oil performance on cigarette paper,The stearic acid copper is a kind of material with low surface energy.So we can make the surface with double drainage property through experiment.The subject maintains the following conclusions:

(1) Using the method of solution dipping with convenient operation,the coating material suspension is coated on the paper base material.The coating with good resistance to wetting was obtained after drying.The contact angle of water on the coating is more than 120 degrees,the contact angle of oil on the coating is greater than 90 degrees.The coating is hydrophobic and hydrophobic.When the paper base material is slightly tilted, the paper base material and the surface of the table are in a certain angle,water droplets begin to roll on the coating surface, showing that the coating has good wetting properties.

(2) Preparing the coating on paper substrate material,this thesis has analyzed and optimized amounts and types of the copper stearate material and the oleophobic modifier, the applying technique has also been analyzed and optimized,and the relationship of these factors and the infiltrating of the oil to the material has been illustrated.

(3) The solution impregnation method is simple, and it is not limited by the size and shape of the paper base material.

Keywords: Paper substrate; Oleophobicity; Hydrophobic; Solution bathing


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 3

1.1 固体表面润湿性和相关理论 3

1.1.1 固体表面的润湿性 3

1.1.2 接触角与滚动角 3

1.1.3 Young 氏方程 3

1.1.4 模型 4

1.1.5 模型 4

1.2 超疏水表面 5

1.2.1 自然界中常见的超疏水表面 5

1.3 超疏水表面的制备方法 7

1.3.1 溶液浸泡法 7

1.3.2 溶胶-凝胶法 7

1.3.3 喷涂法 7

1.3.4 蚀刻法 7

1.4 双疏涂层的定义与材料 8

1.4.1 双疏涂层定义的定义 8

1.4.2 制备双疏涂层的材料 8

1.5 研究目的与意义 9

1.6 研究内容 9

第2章 实验部分 10

2.1 实验药品与仪器 10

2.2 精油极性大小的测定 11

2.3 浸润阻隔涂层实验 11

2.3.1 水溶性高分子涂层 12

2.3.2 液体石蜡涂层 12

2.3.3 甲基硅油涂层 12

2.3.4 双疏材料涂层 13

2.1.5 不同醋酸铜与硬脂酸用量制备硬脂酸铜涂层 14

2.1.6 疏油改性剂对涂层疏油性质的影响 14

2.1.7 两种不同涂覆方式制备硬脂酸铜涂层 14

第3章 结果与讨论 15

3.1 确定精油性质 15

3.2 涂层的润湿性能 15

3.2.1 水溶性高分子涂层的润湿性能 15

3.2.2 液体石蜡涂层的润湿性能 16

3.2.3 甲基硅油涂层的润湿性能 16

3.2.4 聚四氟乙烯涂层的润湿性能 16

3.2.5 硬脂酸铜涂层的润湿性能 16

3.3 实验参数对实验结果的影响 18

3.4 不同疏油改性剂对涂层润湿性能的影响 19

3.5 涂覆方式对涂层润湿性能的影响 19

3.6 涂层的自清洁能力 20

第4章 结论 21

参考文献 22

致谢 23

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