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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 电子商务 > 正文


 2021-04-04 23:36:07  

摘 要






With the development of mobile Internet technology, traditional industries are also facing new opportunities and challenges. The Internet has changed the competitive environment of enterprises and provided the possibility for the development of new business models. Data show that China has become the third largest market in the world after North America and Europe. With the advent of the era of automobile networking, how to innovate the business model of automobile post-market based on automobile networking has a strong practical significance for guiding the development of automobile post-market enterprises and improving the existing theory.

Firstly, based on the business model theory, this paper analyses the existing business model of automobile after-market. Under the background of deeply understanding the current situation of automobile after-market and automobile networking, this paper designs the business model of automobile after-market based on the business model theory model, and puts forward the optimization of the business model of automobile after-market under the environment of automobile networking.

This paper conducts in-depth research on the domestic and foreign automotive aftermarket, sums up the problems existing in the business model of automotive aftermarket, and designs a business model suitable for the future development of automotive aftermarket enterprises based on the development of automotive networking. It explores a feasible way for business model innovation of post-market related enterprises.

Key Words:Vehicle Networking; Automotive Rear Market; Business Model


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章绪论 1

1.1背景意义 1

1.1.1研究目的和意义 1

1.2研究思路与研究方法 2

第2章文献综述 3

2.1商业模式的定义及核心要素 3

2.2国内外关于汽车后市场的研究 4

2.2.1国外汽车后市场的研究 4

2.2.2国内汽车后市场的研究 5

2.3国内外车联网的研究 5

2.3.1国外车联网的研究 5

2.3.2国内车联网的研究 5

第3章汽车后市场和车联网发展现状及面临的挑战 6

3.1汽车后市场 6

3.1.1汽车后市场发展路程 6

3.1.2汽车后市场分类 6

3.2国内外汽车后市场发展现状 7

3.2.1国外汽车后市场发展现状 7

3.2.2国内汽车后市场发展现状 7

3.3车联网 7

3.3.1车联网的介绍 7

3.3.2车联网技术 9

3.4车联网的发展现状 13

3.4.1国外车联网的发展现状 13

3.4.2国内车联网的发展现状 14

3.5车联网下汽车后市场面临的挑战 14

第4章汽车后市场商业模式分析 15

4.1国外汽车后市场商业模式分析 15

4.1.1美国汽车后市场商业模式分析 15

4.1.2国外汽车后市场商业模式借鉴 17

4.2国内汽车后市场商业模式分析 17

4.3商业模式存在的问题及应对措施 19

第5章车联网下汽车后市场商业模式重构 21

5.1汽车后市场PEST分析 21

5.1.1政治环境 21

5.1.2经济环境 21

5.1.3技术环境 22

5.1.4社会文化环境 22

5.2汽车后市场SWOT分析 23

5.2.1优势 23

5.2.2劣势 23

5.2.3机会 24

5.2.4威胁 24

5.3车联网下汽车后市场的商业模式设计 24

5.3.1汽车售后服务O2O商业模式重构 28

5.3.2汽车租赁商业模式重构 29

5.3.3020二手车商业模式重构 30

5.3.4汽车UBI保险商业模式重构 33

5.3.5车联网下汽车后市场发展建议 35

第6章总结与展望 37

6.1总结 37

6.2不足之处 38

6.3展望 38

参考文献 39

致谢 40

第1章 绪论

1.1 背景意义


伴随着移动互联到来,越来越多的网民从传统互联网用户转变为移动互联网用户,据《报告》显示网民通过手机接入互联网的比例高达98.6%,其中"80、90后"是中国市场的核心消费群体。随着"互联网 "上升为国家战略,传统行业实施"互联网 "应该已成为一种大趋势。通过"互联网 ",企业可以从信息,软硬件技术,人力资源,资源整合和生态系统中促进创新能力的提升。与此同时,提高了企业的运营效率,并降低了企业成本[3]

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