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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 思想政治教育 > 正文


 2021-03-10 23:23:49  

摘 要


济南市电视问政作为舆论监督的一种重要形式,一种新形式的政务和行政问责制形式,给予了广大公众更多的知情权,表达权和判断权,在人民的监督下,政府部门逐渐改变行政风格,对优化社会环境,提高行政效率具有重要意义。 济南市经过近三年的发展,虽然取得了较为突出的成就,获得了广大人民的认可和好评,但不可否认,还有待进一步完善和完善的地方。 如问政主题化,缺乏系统性;问政政府缺乏灵活性和多样性;问政结果治标不治本,缺乏准确性。 这些都影响了济南电视问政的发展。

为了促进济南市电视问政的可持续发展,推动政府、公民与媒体的协同治理,本文通过案例研究和文献综述,对责任型政府理论进行了研究, 本文分析了济南市电视问政的发展现状和缺点,提出了解决缺点的相应措施。


本文的创新点在于:一是研究方法创新。 本文结合政治,社会学,传播与新闻学的知识,综合分析研究行政监督理论,公民参与和网络监督。 二是思想观念创新。 通过实证研究与规范性研究的结合,从政府、公民及媒体协同治理的角度,对电视问政进行了深入系统的分析,探讨了改善电视政治的相关措施。

关键词:电视问政 公民参与 舆论监督 责任型政府


Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the transformation of the functions of the government is still implemented, there are still too large administrative rights, administrative responsibility, abuse of administrative power and other phenomena, has seriously affected the image of the government. At present, China is in the key period of perfecting the socialist market economic system, developing socialist democratic politics, building a socialist country ruled by law and a socialist harmonious society, how to promote the implementation of government duties, realize the improvement of government administrative efficiency, and participate in political life As well as the media supervision of public opinion has become the focus of many political scholars.

As an important form of public opinion supervision, a new form of government and administrative accountability has given the general public more right to know, express and judge. Under the supervision of the people, the government Departments gradually change the administrative style, to optimize the social environment, improve administrative efficiency is of great significance. Jinan City, after nearly three years of development, although achieved a more prominent achievements, access to the majority of the people's recognition and praise, but it is undeniable, yet to be further improved and perfect place. Such as the subject matter of government, the lack of systematic; ask the government lack of flexibility and diversity; ask political results palliative, lack of accuracy. Which have affected the development of Jinan TV politics.

In order to promote the sustainable development of TV politics in Jinan City and promote the cooperative governance of government, citizens and the media, this paper studies the theory of responsible government through case study and literature review. This paper analyzes the

development of TV politics in Jinan And shortcomings, put forward the corresponding measures to solve the shortcomings.

The article is divided into five parts: The first part mainly introduces the background, significance, research methods and innovation of this research, and the domestic research status. The second part outlines the theory of television politics, the status quo of China's television politics. The third part focuses on the analysis of the internal logic of television politics and government, citizen and media co-governance. The fourth part is the empirical analysis of Jinan TV politics, the exposition of the program out of the discussion and analysis of the reasons. The fifth part puts forward the solution through the program itself, the government, the citizen and the media.

The innovation of this paper lies in: First, research method innovation. This paper combines the political, sociological, communication and journalism knowledge, comprehensive analysis of administrative supervision theory, citizen participation and network supervision. Second, ideas and ideas innovation. Through the combination of empirical research and normative research, from the perspective of government, citizen and media co-governance, the paper makes an in-depth and systematic analysis of TV politics, and discusses the relevant measures to improve TV politics.

Key Words:Television politics Citizen participation Supervision by public opinion Responsible government

第一章 绪论 1

1.1电视问政的研究背景和研究意义 1

1.1.2理论意义 1

1.1.3现实意义 1

1.4研究内容 3

第二章 我国“电视问政”的现状分析 3

2.1 关于电视问政的概念 3

2.2电视问政节目的现状分析 4

2.3济南市电视问政所取得的成效分析 4

第三章 电视问政与协同治理的内在逻辑及其意义 5

3.1电视问政与协同治理的内在逻辑 5

3.2电视问政有利于实现政府、公民与媒体的协同治理 6

第四章 电视问政的局限性及原因 7

4.1电视问政的局限性 7

4.1.1问政形式缺乏多变性 7

4.1.2问政内容浮于表面 7

4.1.3问政后续监督难保证 7

4.2电视问政局限性的原因分析 8

4.2.1节目客观性限制 8

4.2.2政府官员思想不到位 8

4.2.3群众深受“官本思想”影响 9

4.2.4媒体受制于政府 9

第五章 完善电视问政以推动政府、公民与媒体协同治理的几点建议 9

5.1强化服务型政府建设 9

5.2搭建官民对话平台 10

5.3加强媒体的内外联动 11

5.4明确问政主体、丰富问政内容 12

5.5打造社会监督网络,创造问责监督环境 13

参考文献 14

第一章 绪论



改革开放以来,中国的社会经济发展面临着许多机遇和挑战,而人民群众的矛盾也随之呈现出很多新的特征和形式。 这要求各级政府要有更加敏锐的洞察力和更强的责任感,更好地把握和把握和把人民的根本利益作为所有工作和立足点的出发点。

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