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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-04-05 16:22:43  

摘 要



  1. 通过智能手机获得条码与尺子图片后,使用MATLAB对图片进行预处理,包括灰度化处理、中值滤波法去噪处理、Otsu最大类间方差法二值化处理。预处理后对二值图像使用索贝尔算子得到图像轮廓,再经过一系列形态学处理使条码与尺子部分成为图片中最大的两块矩形区域并剪切下来;
  2. 利用霍夫算法分别检测条码照片部分和尺子照片部分的直线,并对这些直线的倾斜角度进行统计学处理得到条码倾斜角度,逆时针旋转校正条码照片与尺子照片;
  3. 将校正后的条码照片二值化处理后,生成只有0和1的矩阵,在矩阵中循环扫描得到一组代表条码长度的数据,均值处理后得到条码长度对应的像素值。
  4. 将校正后的尺子利用霍夫变换法找到多条刻度直线,记录这些直线的横坐标数据,对数据进行处理得到1mm对应的像素值。与条码长度像素值换算得出条码Z尺寸。




Barcode plays an important role in the efficient circulation of commodities. The printing quality of bar code directly affects the reading speed of bar code. Now, the quality detection technology of bar code image has also been widely studied. The traditional bar code detector is based on laser scanning technology, which is expensive and needs manual participation. Machine vision technology can be used to detect bar code information online to reduce the cost. Therefore, in this paper, the Z size parameters of bar code are measured by using high resolution bar code and ruler photos, and the method of graphic and image processing is used to measure the Z size parameters of bar code.

The EAN-13 bar code is used as the detection object, and the following work is completed:

(1) after obtaining bar code and ruler pictures from smart phone, MATLAB is used to preprocess the images, including grayscale processing, median filtering denoising and otsu maximum inter-class variance binarization. After preprocessing, the image outline is obtained by Sobel operator, and then the bar code and ruler part become the two largest rectangular regions in the picture and cut down after a series of morphological processing.

(2) the straight lines of the bar code photo part and the ruler photo part are detected by Hoff algorithm, and the tilt angle of these lines is statistically processed to obtain the bar code tilt angle, and the barcode photos and ruler photos are corrected by counterclockwise rotation.

(3) binarizing the corrected bar code photo, generating a matrix with only 0 and 1, circularly scanning in a matrix to obtain a group of data representing the length of the bar code, and obtaining the pixel value corresponding to the bar code length after the mean processing.

(4) the corrected ruler is used to find multiple calibration lines by Hoff transformation method, and the transverse coordinate data of these lines are recorded, and the pixel values corresponding to 1mm are obtained by processing the data. The Z size of bar code is obtained by converting it with the pixel value of bar code length.

At the end of this thesis, a bar code photo to be tested is selected to carry out the

experiment, and its Z size is obtained by image processing, and then the real Z size is measured by a ruler with high precision, and the calculation error is calculated. The experimental results show that the error is only reliable and the detection results are feasible.

Keywords: bar code Z size,machine vision,MATLAB image processing.


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本文研究内容 3

1.4 论文章节安排 5

第2章 条码Z尺寸检测原理 6

2.1 EAN-13条码组成 6

2.2 Z尺寸定义 6

2.3 Z尺寸计算原理 7

2.4 本章小结 8

第3章 图像预处理与目标分割 9

3.1 图像预处理 9

3.1.1 灰度化 9

3.1.2 二值化 10

3.1.3 去噪声 11

3.2 边缘检测 13

3.2.1 索贝尔边缘检测 13

3.2.2 坎尼边缘检测 14

3.3 形态学处理 15

3.4定位与裁剪 16

3.5本章小结 17

第4章 图像校正与尺寸获取 18

4.1 霍夫变换直线检测 18

4.2 旋转校正 19

4.3 尺寸获取 19

4.3.1 条码长度测量 20

4.3.2 尺子长度测量 20

4.4本章小结 21

第5章 实验与结果分析 22

5.1 原始照片处理实验 22

5.2 尺寸测量实验 26

5.3 结果分析 27

5.4 经济可行性分析 27

5.5 本章小结 28

第6章 总结与展望 29

参考文献 30

致谢 32

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景和意义



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