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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-04-05 16:22:27  

摘 要


本文首先通过 MATLAB 软件研究了空压机曲柄连杆系的运动规律和气缸内气体压力变化规律。通过 MATLAB 软件对空压机活塞的运动规律和活塞所受气体压力规律进行编程设计,获得了相应运动规律的图像与样条数据用于进一步的多体动力学建模仿真。

其次,通过 Hypermesh 软件对空压机曲轴进行处理,获得了柔性化的曲轴模型,随后在 ADAMS 软件中建立了空压机曲柄连杆系的刚柔混合多体动力学模型。对刚柔混合多体动力学模型进行模拟仿真后获得了曲轴轴颈处受力等曲轴关键位置动力学数据结果。对结果进行分析以验证所建立多体动力学模型的准确性,并将结果输出,为下一步的仿真分析做准备。

最后,利用多体动力学仿真所得到的动态载荷数据,通过 Hypermesh 软件和相应的后处理软件 Hyperview 进行空压机曲轴的模态分析和瞬态动力学分析,获得曲轴的固有震动频率和危险应力位置及大小等数据。分析后得出结果,曲轴应力最大处在曲柄销与主轴颈连接处,最大应力约为54MPa;曲轴的固有频率与工作频率差距较大,产生共振的可能性较小。并根据分析结果有针对性地提出优化建议。

关键词:汽车空压机 曲轴 多体动力学 瞬态动力学


With the development of the national economy, cars have gradually become an indispensable means of transportation in people's daily lives. In the context of the rapid development of the automotive industry, people are increasingly demanding the comfort, reliability and safety of automobiles. Among them, the requirements for the main components of the automotive brake system for automotive brake air compressors are greatly improved. The noise and vibration generated during the operation of the air compressor are mainly derived from the crankshaft, and the performance of the crankshaft directly affects the use of the entire air compressor. Therefore, it is of great significance to analyze the dynamic characteristics of the crankshaft. In this paper, the multi-body dynamics simulation and finite element analysis are used to simulate the air compressor crankshaft.

In this paper, firstly, the motion law of the crank-link system of the air compressor and the gas pressure change in the cylinder are studied by MATLAB software. The MATLAB software is used to program the motion law of the piston of the air compressor and the gas pressure law of the piston. The image and spline data of the corresponding motion law are obtained for further multi-body dynamics modeling and simulation.

Secondly, the crankshaft model of the air compressor was processed by Hypermesh software, and the flexible crankshaft model was obtained. Then the rigid-flexible multi-body dynamics model of the crank-link system of the air compressor was established in the ADAMS software. The simulation results of the rigid-flexible multi-body dynamics model included the dynamic data of the critical position of the crankshaft at the crankshaft journal. Analyze the results to verify the accuracy of the established multibody dynamics model and output the results to prepare for further simulation and analysis

At last, using the dynamic load data obtained by multi-body dynamics simulation, the modal analysis and transient dynamics analysis of the air compressor crankshaft are performed by Hypermesh software and the post-processing software Hyperview to obtain the natural vibration frequency and dangerous position of the crankshaft where large stress is put on. After analysis, it can be concluded that the position where the crankshaft can be damaged is at the joint between the crank pin and the main journal. The maximum stress is about 54 MPa. The natural frequency of the crankshaft is far from the working frequency, and it is unlikely that the crankshaft resonance happens while working. And targeted optimization recommendations based on the analysis results.

Key Words: Automobile Air Compresssor, Crankshaft, Multi-body Dynamics, Transient dynamics

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 软件介绍 4

1.4 本文主要研究内容 5

第2章 车用空压机工作原理和运动学分析 6

2.1 车用空压机结构及工作原理 6

2.2 曲柄连杆机构的运动学与空压机动力学分析 7

2.3 基于 MATLAB 的活塞运动规律与受力计算 10

2.4 本章小结 13

第3章 曲轴连杆系多体动力学分析 14

3.1 曲柄连杆机构的动力分析 14

3.2 曲柄连杆系刚柔混合多体动力学建模 18

3.3 曲轴连杆系刚柔混合多体动力学仿真分析 27

3.4 本章小结 31

第4章 曲轴的动态响应分析 32

4.1 曲轴模态分析 32

4.2 曲轴瞬态动力响应分析 36

4.3 本章总结 41

第5章 总结与展望 42

5.1 全文总结 42

5.2 研究展望 42

致谢 43

参考文献 44






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