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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2022-05-26 21:33:42  


摘 要


关键词:受虐儿童 社会救助 社会工作

Social work intervention for abused children


In recent years, "child abuse" has entered in the public view,which becomes a prominent social problem,and grows in intensity.Child abuse has caused widespread concern of social people from all walks of life, but this is of great concern to social workers.There are a lot of reports about child abuse on the Internet or media every month, that become the focus of the community.Those reports include abusive teachers and parents (adoptive parents, stepfather or stepmother) child abuse and so on.Not only does abused children suffer from serious injury which is physical and psychological, but also is a serious violation of human rights of children. Although our country’ relevant departments has involved in the abuse of children, but with little success.Connection between sectors is inefficient, leading to a large number of problems of child abuse.In this paper, Taking news as the breakthrough point,to better protect children’s rights and promote the healthy development of children,the article explores the main reasons for child abuse and social assistance for child abuse, use social protection from abroad to abuse children for reference,analyze social work how to intervene abused children.

Key Words: Abused children; Social assistance; Social work;

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

一、绪 论 1

(一)研究背景和意义 1

(二)基本概念分析 2

1.儿童 2

2.受虐儿童 2

3.社会工作 3

(三)本文的研究思路和研究方法 3

1.本课题要研究或解决的主要问题 3

2.本研究的主要研究方法 3

二、我国儿童受虐的基本情况分析 4

(一)我国儿童受虐的总体概况 4

(二)受虐儿童的心理、行为与情绪特征概述 4

(三)儿童受虐的主要原因 5

1.社会因素 5

2.家庭因素 6

3.儿童自身的身心发展特点 7

三、当前我国受虐儿童社会救助的主要做法及存在的问题 9

(一)民政救助及其问题 9

(二)妇联救助及其问题 10

(三)司法救助及其问题 10

(四)媒体与公众关注及其问题 10

四、国外受虐儿童保护实践及启示—以美国儿童保护为例 12

(一)国外对受虐儿童保护的主要措施 12

1.专门法律保护 12

2.强制报告制度 12

3.儿童机构保护(儿童保护服务处) 12

(二)经验借鉴与启示 12

五、受虐儿童救助中的社会工作介入策略 14

(一)坚持专业价值与伦理,强化儿童权益保护 14

(二)坚持整合取向的受虐儿童救助理念 15

1.个案工作 15

2.小组工作 15

3.社区工作 16

(三)注重将依法救助与服务对象为本相结合 16

(四)加强家庭和儿童社会工作服务 16

1.积极开发受虐儿童的专业社工服务项目 16

2.创办专业儿童救助保护社会工作服务机构及服务体系 18

3.加强受虐儿童的综合救助与社会协调 18

4.加强儿童教养与保护的家庭教育与社会宣传 18

参考文献 20

致 谢 22

一、绪 论






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