2022-01-12 21:47:02
摘 要
关键词 :法律孤儿 社会救助 国家政策
Research on the Relief of Legal Orphans
Our country is now in the period of social transformation, with the intensification of social contradictions and the increasing crime rate. Criminals are serving their sentences according to law, but a new vulnerable group has emerged, that is, legal orphans, minors whose parents are serving their sentences in prison and whose parents are unable to carry out effective guardianship.
These children are also victims of parents'crimes. They have lost their greatest dependence in the weak grades, their native families on which to live, and have to choose their aged grandparents, or choose to live under the hedge of others, or even wander on the streets. Their basic right to subsistence is threatened, and it is even more difficult to maintain the right to education in the future. There is also the stereotype that "like father, like son" exists in society. They are clearly right, but they have to endure discrimination from others.
But as helpless children like ordinary orphans, they seldom enjoy the relevant welfare assistance policies. They are in the blind zone of law, and policies concerning this group can only find a single word in various local policies. Because the laws and regulations of the central government are still blank in this respect, the main responsibility for relief is borne by non-governmental relief organizations. Such loving people as Zhang Shuqin set up Sun Village and other organizations to adopt a centralized way of rearing, which ensured the normal life of legal orphans, but this is far from enough.
Starting from the current situation of legal orphans, this paper finds out the problems existing in the relief work in China, and then puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions through the comparison of relevant policies and practices between China and the United States, hoping to improve the relief work of legal orphans.
Key words : legal orphans;social assistance;national policy;
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
目录 Ⅲ
一、 绪论 1
(一)相关定义 1
(二)研究背景 1
(三)研究意义 1
(四)研究方法 2
二、文献综述 3
(一)国外研究状况 3
(二)国内研究状况 4
三、我国法律孤儿救助现状 5
(一)生存现状 5
(二)我国针对法律孤儿的相关政策 6
(三)我国针对法律孤儿的救助实践 9
(四)存在的问题 10
四、美国法律孤儿救助的经验总结 12
(一)美国针对法律孤儿的相关政策 12
(二)美国针对法律孤儿的救助实践 12
五、对策与建议 14
(一)从国家层面关注 14
(二)从社会层面支助 15
(三)从社工层面介入 15
结语 17
参考文献 19
附录 22
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