2021-10-25 21:29:41
摘 要
In recent years, the government has paid more and more attention to juveniles in China. At present, although the total number of criminal cases in China is decreasing, the current situation of juvenile delinquency is still not optimistic. Juvenile delinquency is affected by many factors, showing a variety of characteristics, and minors are easy to become victims because of age, physical and mental immaturity and other reasons. On February 9, 2018, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League jointly signed the cooperation framework agreement on the construction of the social support system for minors' procuratorial work at the plenary meeting of the special group for the prevention of juvenile delinquency of the Central Comprehensive Management Committee, aiming to provide the social support system for minors with the combination of the procuratorate, the Communist Youth League, social organizations and other multiple subjects. Based on the support of the policy document, the procuratorial organs and the Communist Youth League organizations in Beijing, Shanghai, Hubei and other places cooperated extensively and carried out practical exploration. This thesis takes JZ and ES in Hubei Province as cases, adopts interview and textual analysis to obtain data, analyzes the implementation of the social support system of juvenile procuratorial work in the two places from three aspects of structure system, content system and level system. This thesis further proposes corresponding countermeasures for the deficiencies, such as developing professional social workers, improving the cooperation and connection mechanism, etc., in order to form in the future development to become a local characteristic mode and provide experience for other regions.
Key Words:juveniles; social work; social support; system construction
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 未成年司法保护的介入研究 1
1.2.2 未成年人检察工作的社会支持体系研究 2
1.2.3 文献述评 3
1.3 研究意义 4
1.3.1理论意义 4
1.3.2 现实意义 4
1.3 研究目的 4
第2章 研究方法 6
2.1 研究设计 6
2.2 研究方法 6
2.2.1 文本分析法 6
2.2.2 半结构式访谈法 6
2.2.3 案例研究法 7
2.3 案例的选取 7
第3章 未成年人检察工作社会支持体系结构分析 8
3.1 涉罪未成年人 8
3.1.1 涉罪未成年人基本情况 8
3.1.2 涉罪未成年人犯罪类型 8
3.1.3 涉罪未成年人犯罪原因 8
3.2 受害未成年人 9
3.2.1 受害未成年人基本情况 10
3.2.2 受害未成年人被害类型 10
3.2.3 受害未成年人被害原因 10
第4章 未成年人检察工作社会支持体系内容分析 12
4.1 涉罪未成年人的矫正干预 12
4.1.1 对涉罪未成年人采取“少捕慎诉”的保护理念 12
4.1.2 社会背景调查 12
4.1.3 涉罪未成年人的干预矫正 12
4.1.4 后期跟进帮教 14
4.2 受害未成年人的支持帮扶 14
4.2.1 建立自护及预防意识 14
4.2.2 强制保护制度 15
4.2.3 帮扶介入 15
第5章 未成年人检察工作社会支持体系层次分析 17
5.1 各主体功能 17
5.2 合作机制与服务衔接 17
5.3 资金来源 17
第6章 讨论与结论 19
6.1 未成年人检察工作社会支持体系现状 19
6.1.1 自护意识有所提升 19
6.1.2 帮教成效显著 19
6.1.3 制度落实效率提升 19
6.2 未成年人检察工作社会支持体系的不足 19
6.2.1 司法社工较为缺乏 19
6.2.2 强制亲职教育制度难以推广 20
6.2.3 各部门之间未形成有效合力及服务衔接 20
6.2.4 未成年人保护工作仍处于起步阶段 20
6.3 未成年人检察工作社会支持体系的完善对策 21
6.3.1 发展专业性的社工 21
6.3.2 全面推广强制亲职教育 21
6.3.3 完善合作衔接机制 21
6.3.4 立足实地形成特色模式 22
6.4 结论 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 25
- 绪论
- 研究背景
1.2 国内外研究现状
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