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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2021-08-26 00:14:31  

摘 要





The continuous development of contemporary society,more and more people begin to pay close attention to the development of medical insurance and perfect.With a serious disease worldwide are occurring, the cost of the used in the treatment of diseases is rising. In our country,more and more families because of serious disease treatment and make their living standards decline, "due to illness caused by poor" and "returning to poor because of illness"are always occurring. In the face of such situation,our country's basic medical insurance system which is the system of medical insurance for urban workers,urban residents medical insurance fund and new farmers, have been unable to meet the residents' demand for medical insurance. A serious illness insurance supplement system which is the insurance of primary medical treatment insurance system arises at the historic moment. Through urban and rural residents in some special areas,serious illness insurance pilot work visit and guide,urban and rural residents has become a serious illness insurance system reform the people's livelihood issues in today's society need to be addressed.

This article points out that parts of our country implements the problems existing in the pilot of a serious illness insurance system reform,in order to in the promotion of a serious illness insurance reform process can avoid the above mentioned problems. Also a serious illness insurance system reform in the future in China are put forward in the process of should pay attention to the Suggestions and opinions,when the future promotion of a serious illness insurance reform is dedicated to provide you with guidance.

Key Words: Serious Illness;Urban And Rural Residents;The Basic Medical Insurance

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1目的及意义 1

1.1.1目的 1

1.1.2意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1大病保险制度建立的必要性研究 1

1.2.2关于完善大病保险制度的筹资机制研究 2

1.2.3关于大病保险改革的模式研究 2

1.2.4国外对于灾难性卫生支出的研究 3

1.3研究内容与研究方法 3

1.3.1研究内容 3

1.3.2研究方法 3

第2章 城乡居民大病保险制度及其优势 4

2.1 城乡居民大病保险制度与基本医疗保险 4

2.1.1大病和大病医疗保险制度 4

2.1.2基本医疗保险 6

2.1.3大病医疗保险和基本医疗保险的关系 6

2.2城乡居民大病保险的目标与内容 6

2.2.1城乡居民大病保险制度目标 6

2.2.2设计原则 6

2.2.3城乡居民大病保险的保障内容 7

2.2.4筹资与运行机制 7

2.3大病保险制度的优势 9

2.3.1放大保障效应 9

2.3.2 统筹城乡待遇 9

2.3.3 促进职能转变 9

2.3.4 服务优质高效 9

第3章 城乡居民大病保险制度的现状与存在的问题 10

3.1城乡居民大病保险制度的现状 10

3.1.1现状概况 10

3.1.2大病保险资金运营现状 10

3.1.3保险公司参与现状 11

3.1.4 农村地区参保情况现状 11

3.2城乡居民大病保险制度存在的问题 11

3.2.1资金筹集与管理 11

3.2.2政府与承办机构之间 13

3.2.3 诊疗信息化 14

3.2.4服务水平 14

3.2.5监督体系 15

第4章城乡居民大病保险制度的改革措施 16

4.1加强大病保险资金管理 16

4.1.1 统一大病保险筹资标准 16

4.1.2 建立多元化的基金筹措机制 16

4.1.3推行大病保险资金的专账管理制度 16

4.2调整政府与市场的关系 16

4.2.1厘清政府与市场的边界 16

4.2.2建立预防为主的风险联动机制 17

4.3提升政府服务水平 17

4.3.1加快信息化建设 17

4.3.2进一步修改调整大病保险相关政策 17

4.3.3构建覆盖城乡的多层次医疗保障体系 18

第5章 全文总结与研究展望 20

5.1全文总结 20

5.2研究展望 20

参考文献 21

致 谢 22

第1章 绪论





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