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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2022-05-21 22:31:09  


摘 要


关键词:股票市场 中小投资者 行为偏差 心理偏差 投资策略

A study on the behavior of small and medium investors in China stock market


After the18th CPC National Congress,the development of China's stock market entered the new period of historical opportunities, market need further assets with capital market securities, for the community of large-scale direct financing to create a stable and efficient platform. First of all, the author mainly from the market in view of human behavior analysis of the status quo of the development of the market, considering China's stock market in the middle and lower investors as the main body, to invest and participate in the structural differences are significant and so on from the small and medium investors resource endowment, psychological deviation in the two major parties were deep study and research, looking for small investors investment behavior of the internal mechanism of the. Subsequently, after adding the game analysis of individual and institutional investors, market performance and investor relations to sort out, found that market of our country present stage the market characteristics and the investment in endowment conditions of game and the investor group are closely related. The market as a whole can be summed up in the multiple effects of institutional investors, the small investor behavior bias is magnified, the formation of the market high price earnings ratio, high turnover, the high volume of transactions trading style. Finally, this paper carries on the feasibility analysis to the small and medium investors' investment strategy, and puts emphasis on the direction suggestion of the investors' long-term asset allocation according to the future trend of the macro market.

Keywords: stock market; small investors; behavior bias; psychological deviation; investment strategy


摘要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 5

1.1选题的目的与意义 5

第二章 文献综述 7

2.1源于损失厌恶和后悔心理的处置行为 7

2.2源于暴富心理、赌博心理的过度投机 8

2.3源于信息不对称,高信息成本的羊群行为,跟风从众行为 9

2.4源于认知偏差的过度自信 10

2.5源于行政干预的“政策市”行为 11

2.6媒体关注影响下的中小投资者行为 12

第三章 中小投资者主要非理性行为表现 13

3.1处置行为 13

3.2羊群行为 13

3.3过度投机与频繁交易 15

3.4“政策市”行为 17

第四章 中小投资者非理性行为形成机制 21

4.1基于中小投资者资源禀赋视角 21

4.1.1投资者结构方面 21

4.1.2投资经验方面 25

4.1.3信息获取方面 25

4.1.4决策工具 26

4.1.5投资环境方面 26

4.3基于中小投资者心理认知偏差视角 27

4.2.1过度自信 27

4.3.2可得性偏差,代表性偏差,框架效应 30

4.3.3锚定效应和分离效应 32

4.3.4损失厌恶,保守性偏差 33

4.3.5政策依赖偏差与短视 34

第五章 中小投资者与机构投资者博弈分析 36

5.1中小投资者与证券自营业务部的博弈 36

5.1.1信息不对称情况下的中小投资者与证券自营业部门的博弈 36

5.1.2中小投资者非理性行为导致股票溢价情况下的双方博弈 37

5.2考虑个人投资者羊群行为的中小投资者与机构投资者的博弈分析 39

5.2.1模型构建: 39

5.2.2均衡模型分析: 41

第六章 中小投资者投资策略与建议 44

6.1市场完善过程中的投资策略 44

6.1.1把握市场基本走向 44

6.1.2寻求第三方资管 45

6.2理性回归过程中的投资策略 45

6.2.1自省策略 45

6.2.2信息策略 45

6.2.3选股策略 46

6.2.4价值策略 46

6.2.5理性羊群行为策略 46

6.3与机构博弈过程中的投资策略 46

6.3.1与证券自营机构博弈 46

6.3.2与一般机构博弈 47

参考文献 47

第一章 绪论





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