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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2022-02-22 19:45:14  


摘 要

近年来,移动互联网和电子商务快速发展,深刻地影响着社会与经济的各个层面。一方面,网络购物和超前消费成为常态;另一方面,越来越多的科技企业和大型公司跨界经营,成为金融创新的推动力。在国家推行的“互联网 金融”的创新实践中,第三方支付凭借新颖、便捷和覆盖范围广的优点,迅速取代纸币和信用卡成为最受人们欢迎的新型支付结算方式。但是随着第三方支付的发展,市场垄断、同质化严重等客观存在的问题逐渐凸显,值得我们予以重视和深入研究。因此,针对第三方支付发展过程存在的问题,制定多元化的发展战略至关重要。


关键词:第三方支付 战略决策 互联网金融 多元化发展

The Diversified Development Trend of Third-party Payment


In recent years, the rapid development of mobile Internet and e-commerce profoundly affect the social and economic aspects. On the one hand, online shopping and advanced consumption become the norm; the other hand, more and more technology companies and large companies cross-border business, as the driving force of financial innovation. In the practice of "Internet Finance" in the country, the third party payment has become the most popular new payment and settlement method by replacing the notes and credit cards with the advantages of novelity, convenience and coverage. However, with the development of third party payment, market monopoly, homogenization of serious and other objective problems gradually highlighted, it is worthy of our attention and in-depth study. Therefore, for the third party to pay the development process of the existing problems, the development of a diversified development strategy is essential.

This paper is divided into four parts: the first part, the first chapter puts forward the research background of this paper, that is the problems existing in the current development of the third party payment in our country, and summarizes the relevant literature at home and abroad. On this basis, the author puts forward the research contents, research methods and related research ideas of this paper. The second part, chapter Ⅱ and chapter III. By analyzing the present situation of the development of third-party payment in China, the paper analyzes the problems existing in the current industry, including the single problem of development model, the weak risk control ability and the fuzzy problem of Pratt amp; Whitney financial positioning, and according to the external environment and the internal environment, the author analyze the main causes of the problem. The third part, chapter four and chapter five. Based on the analysis of the causes of the development of third party payment, this paper starts from the perspective of case study, which mainly lists the different characteristics of the development of representative five third party payment platforms at home and abroad. And the author puts forward scientific and effective strategic planning principles and implementation suggestions for the problems existing in the development of third party payment. The fourth part, the sixth chapter. The research of this paper is summarized and the shortcomings of this paper are explained.

KeyWords: Third-party Payment; Strategy Decision; Internet Finance; Diversified Development


摘要 Ⅰ


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究的目的与研究意义 1

1.3 文献综述 2

1.3.1 第三方支付作用机理研究 2

1.3.2 第三方支付战略决策研究 2

1.3.3 第三方支付风控监管研究 3

1.4 研究思路与可能的创新 3

第二章 第三方支付的发展概况与存在的问题 5

2.1 第三方支付的定义 5

2.2 第三方支付产业的产生与发展 5

2.2.1 第三方支付的发展趋势 5

2.2.2 第三方支付的立法规范 6

2.3 第三方支付行业的多元化经营现状 6

2.3.1 市场高度集中 6

2.3.2 产业模式单一 7

2.3.3 系统性风险高 7

2.3.4 普惠金融定位模糊 8

第三章 第三方支付多元化战略的成因分析 9

3.1 外部环境与多元化战略的形成 9

3.1.1 网民规模的变化 9

3.1.2 电子商务市场格局的变化 9

3.1.3 第三方支付交易规模的变化 10

3.2 内部环境与多元化战略的形成 11

3.2.1 数量众多的第三方支付平台 11

3.2.2 市场份额过度集中 12

第四章 第三方支付多元化发展的案例分析 13

4.1 支付宝多元化特征 13

4.2 财付通多元化特征 14

4.3 银联商务多元化特征 14

4.4 Apple Pay多元化特征 15

4.5 案例启示 15

第五章 多元化的战略原则与建议 17

5.1 第三方支付多元化战略原则 17

5.1.1 安全与效益性并重原则 17

5.1.2 独立自主与国家监管相结合原则 17

5.1.3 开放与兼容原则 17

5.2 第三方支付多元化战略实施建议 18

5.2.1 技术多元化的需求 18

5.2.2 使用场景多元化的需求 19

5.2.3 功能多元化的需求 20

5.2.4 市场多元化的需求 20

5.3 本章小结 21

第六章 结论与展望 22

参考文献 24

致谢 26





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