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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2022-02-17 21:23:28  


摘 要



关键词:长三角地区 商业银行 风险防范

Commercial Banks Risk and Prevention Analysis in the Yangtze River Delta


Commercial banks first appeared as a financial institution in the financial system of the subject position and bank plays an irreplaceable role in the development of the national economy . However , with the economic situation’s development and changes in national policies, the development of commercial banks also face a variety of risks. Due to its large clusters of SMEs to finance flows and distribution of industry sensitive to policy , commercial banks face even more severe and special risks, as the largest economic circle in Yangtze River Delta region, and provide a high gross national product of key areas. Commercial bank's risk in Yangtze River Delta can be effective preparedness and response will also has a profound impact on our national economy development.

Firstly, commercial bank as a research object in Yangtze River Delta , is analyzed problems of commercial banks in Yangtze River Delta by summarizing the literature. Then the paper elaborates the stance of economic development in Yangtze River Delta area, and uses income, industrial production and real estate investment data to confirm the Yangtze River Delta region’s economically development and levels of economic development in a leading position in the country, resulting in the capital demand of commercial banks, bad loan rates and other features in Yangtze River Delta. Next , the paper analysis has long triangle area commercial banks in develop process in the compared highlight of strategy risk, credit risk and business risk, which strategy risk is due to regulatory institutions regulatory not strict again; long triangle area commercial banks to in fierce of market competition survival on requirements loan of object missing strictly of loan qualification assessment, blind of foreign lending and low cost of deposits inhalation led to itself underfunded raised business risk; industry recession, prices by government intervention too much. Quite a few bankruptcies increase the likelihood of default of loans, led bank credit risk that loan will not be repaid. Finally, depend on the risks of commercial banks in Yangtze River Delta, the paper proposes preventive measures about commercial banks’ risk of Yangtze Delta area and precaution of a summary and prospects for future research work.

Key Words: Yangtze River Delta; Commercial bank; Risk-prevention

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目 录 IV

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2文献综述 1

1.3研究内容与研究方法 4

1.3.1研究内容 4

1.3.2研究方法 4

第二章 长三角地区商业银行发展现状 5

2.1长三角地区的经济发展现状 5

2.1.1长三角地区经济发展水平高 5

2.1.2长三角地区资金需求量大 6

2.2长三角地区商业银行发展态势 8

2.2.1长三角地区商业性银行缺少战略性 9

2.2.2长三角地区存贷款需求量大 9

2.2.3资金面收紧,长三角信贷压力大 10

2.2.4长三角地区商业银行不良贷款率居高不下 11

第三章 长三角地区商业银行存在的风险 13

3.1原因分析 13

3.2长三角地区商业银行面临的风险 13

3.2.1战略性风险 13

3.2.2信用风险 14

3.2.3经营风险 16

第四章 长三角地区商业银行风险的防范措施 19

4.1长三角地区商业银行应加强信贷风险管理 19

4.2长三角地区商业银行应完善监管体系 20

4.3长三角地区商业银行应制定合理的发展战略 20

第五章 结论与展望 22

5.1结论 22

5.2展望 22

参考文献 24

致谢 26

第一章 绪论


2014年10月,随着《政府依靠长江主干道黄金优势地段带动长江三角洲区域发展的引导意见》的出台,标志着安徽省及周边地区正式划入了长江经济区,从而使得长江三角洲地域的地缘概念逐步扩大。长江三角洲沿海经济圈(以下称“长江经济圈”)位于我国长江中下游地带,现主要涵盖上海、浙江等“三省一市”。现阶段,长江中下游地带已经是我国范围最广的商业圈,其创造的社会总额占我国国民总值的五分之一,连年来,经济增长率居于中国首位。据统计,长三角地区沪苏浙皖 “三省一市”的小规模企业占整个区域企业比例的 99%以上 。一般规模公司在职员工人数包含了整个长三角区域从业人员的绝大部分,小规模公司创造的全部经济量、主要业务收入及财政财务收入都超过了该经济圈经济量的二分之一。



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