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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-05-06 12:28:07  

摘 要









Private equity funds as a product of financial innovation in recent years is the shining star of the global financial markets, as an extremely important role in the global economy, is the second bank credit and securities markets third-largest financial market. Private equity funds in the 1980s was introduced into China, and its development process wave of multi-fold, resulting in the development of the local private equity funds is extremely slow, and foreign private equity funds dominate in our local market. Because of the private equity market, big but not strong distinctive characteristics, making private equity funds in China is still at an early stage of development, systematic, comprehensive private equity fund regulatory system has not been established. In this investment background, the regulatory issues of private equity investment fund to study and explore the Construction of private equity funds regulatory regime will have great practical significance.

The first part is an overview of our private equity funds. First, the definition of the concept of private equity investment fund, on the basis of the status of the development of private equity funds as well as a summary of the problems pointed out our private equity funds on the market, there is a problem from the government level and at the level of market discipline lack of supervision, in order to highlight the need for regulation.

The second part is the theoretical basis of comparative and international private equity funds regulation. Firstly, the need for regulation of private equity funds, in order to prove that private equity funds must be included in the regulatory system; secondly, private equity investment fund regulatory model analysis, and on this basis for further study abroad private equity investment fund regulatory model in developed countries, and compared and summarized and Chinese private equity fund regulatory approach, how come our private equity funds in the regulatory answer.

The third part is about the exploration of private equity investment fund supervision model how to choose. First, sort out our existing private equity funds and related laws and regulations and regulatory policies; secondly, self-discipline from the perspective of two government regulation and industry analysis of private equity investment fund regulatory system existing problems; Finally, the analysis of these issues What kind of results obtained applicable regulatory model of private equity funds.

The fourth part is how to establish and improve the supervision of private equity funds mode. How to configure from the regulatory body to the regulatory authority of the regulatory aspects of the object and improve government regulation of regulatory measures and other recommendations, from the establishment of industry liability rules, the establishment of a credit fund manager rules, improve trade dispute settlement rules, penalties and incentives to improve industry respect for rules to strengthen industry self-regulation proposals.

Key words: private equity fund; regulatory approach; international comparison; government regulation; industry self-regulation

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及理论意义 1

1.2 研究思路及研究方法 1

1.3 国内外研究动态 1

第2章 私募股权基金概述 2

2.1 私募股权基金的概念 2

2.2 私募股权基金的特点介绍 2

2.2.1 私募基金 2

2.2.2 风险大 2

2.2.3 参与管理 2

2.3 我国私募股权投资基金发展近况 3

2.3.1 我国私募股权基金起步晚、规模小 3

2.3.2 信用体系欠缺 3

2.3.3 政策、法规尚不完善制约了私募股权市场的快速发展 3

2.3.4 民间私募基金处于无序状态 4

2.3.5专业投资人才缺乏.管理水平不高 4

第3章 私募股权基金监管的理论基础及国际比较 5

3.1 私募股权基金监管的理论基础 5

3.2 私募股权基金监管的必要性 5

3.2.1国际上私募股权基金投资者受《证券法》保护,而在我国私募股权基金投资者不受《证券法》保护 5

3.2.2 国际证券监管主要采用注册制,而在我国证券监管采用核准制 5

3.2.3 国外成熟市场的金融创新靠实体推动,而我国则是依靠监管体制推动 6

3.3 私募股权基金的国际比较 6

3.3.1 美国私募股权基金的监管模式 6

3.3.2 英国私募股权基金的监管模式 6

3.3.3 日本私募股权基金的监管模式 7

3.3.4 私募股权基金国际经验的借鉴启示 7

第4章 我国私募股权基金监管模式的选择 9

4.1 有关私募股权基金规章政策 9

4.1.1 发改委对私募股权投资基金的监管 9

4.1.2 商务部、外管局对涉外私募股权投资基金的监管 9

4.1.3 银监会对信托型私募股权基金的监管 9

4.1.4 保监会对保险资金参与私募股权基金投资的监管 9

4.1.5 证监会对私募股权基金上市退出及券商直投基金的监管 10

4.2 私募股权基金政府监管和行业自律方面存在的问题 10

4.2.1 私募股权投资基金政府监管存在的问题 10

4.2.2 私募股权投资基金行业自律监管存在的问题 11

4.3 我国私募股权基金监管模式的选择 11

第5章 如何构建适合我国的私募股权基金监管模式 13

5.1 改善政府私募股权投资基金监管 13

5.1.1 合理配置监管主体的监管权限 13

5.1.2 政府监管对象以及监管措施 13

5.2 私募股权基金行业自律机制的完善 14

5.2.1 建立行业责任规则 14

5.2.2 建立基金管理人信用规则 15

5.2.3 完善行业争端解决规则 15

5.2.4 完善行业惩罚和激励规则 15

第6章 结语 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及理论意义

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