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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-04-12 21:16:45  

摘 要


本文的主要研究内容是:第一章是绪论,说明本文的研究背景和目的意义、国内外研究现状分析、研究内容框架和研究方法以及创新点。第二章是理论基础,先介绍普惠金融、互联网金融、征信体系的含义,而后详细阐述三者的逻辑关系。第三章是我国互联网金融征信体系的现状,先从中国征信体系的发展历程和中国互联网金融的兴起来阐述我国互联网金融征信体系发展,再阐述我国互联网金融征信体系的主要发展模式,反思在互联网金融征信体系的建设过程中出现的问题。第四章是美国互联网金融征信的经验,首先概述美国互联网金融征信发展背景,在此背景之下,以Zest Finance公司和Kabbage公司为例探究美国的个人征信和小微企业征信的特点。第五章是对我国互联网金融征信体系建设的建议,根据出现的问题,综合我国国情和国外先进经验做法,尝试着改进我国互联网金融征信体系。




Inclusive finance basically means a financial system that can effectively and comprehensively serve all social classes and groups. Its primary goal is to improve the availability of credit to the poor, low-income groups and small and micro businesses. Since the introduction of this concept in 2006, China has made the realization of the equity of financial rights and the "universal benefit" as the key content of the national financial work in more than 10 years of development and construction. Internet financial model for the emerging financial market economy has injected vigor, it has universality, namely through the advanced Internet information technology, lower transaction costs, more convenient operation mode, broader financing channels effectively relieve our country the financing difficulties faced in the micro, small and medium enterprises financing, financing your situation, more efficient service to traditional financial industry is not willing to that part of the vulnerable groups, has the strong social function. With the rapid development of Internet financial, the traditional credit system board is increasingly reflected, Internet financial model of credit system construction to adapt to growing demand, thus more pressing needs are put forward for reference. Therefore, this paper reviews the development process and existing problems of China's credit investigation system from the perspective of promoting the development of inclusive finance, and puts forward some development Suggestions.

This paper is divided into five parts: the first chapter is the introduction, which explains the research background, purpose and significance, current research situation, research content framework and research methods, research innovation points and deficiencies, etc. The second chapter is the theoretical basis, mainly introduces the meaning of inclusive finance, Internet finance, credit investigation system and their logical relations. The third chapter is the development of the Internet financial credit system in our country, first elaborated our country Internet financial credit system development background, combining the analysis of its main development mode, reflect on its existing problems. The fourth chapter is the experience of American Internet financial credit investigation. Taking Zest Finance and Kabbage as examples, it explores the characteristics of personal credit investigation and small and micro business credit investigation in the United States. The fifth chapter is the issue of Internet financial credit system construction in China and Suggestions, summary of the Internet financial credit system construction in our country, our country national condition and foreign advanced experience, tries to perfect laws and regulations, technology innovation, system construction, etc, to perfect China's financial credit system.

This paper mainly discusses the construction direction of China's Internet financial credit investigation system from the perspective of inclusive finance, and takes two American companies as examples from the two aspects of personal credit investigation and small and micro business credit investigation, and draws advanced foreign experience to reflect on their own problems.

Keywords: inclusive financial system; The Internet Finance;credit system

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景目的及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状分析 2

1.2.1关于普惠金融的研究 2

1.2.2关于互联网金融征信体系建设的研究 3

1.2.3关于在普惠金融下互联网金融征信体系发展的研究现状 3

1.2.4研究现状评价 4

1.3 研究内容框架和研究方法 4

1.3.1 研究内容框架 4

1.3.2 研究方法 4

1.4研究创新点 5

第2章 理论基础 6

2.1普惠金融 6

2.1.1普惠金融的含义 6

2.1.2普惠金融的主要作用 6

2.2互联网金融 6

2.2.1传统金融与互联网金融 7

2.2.2互联网金融行业主要发展模式 7

2.3征信体系 7

2.3.1征信体系的含义 9

2.3.2主要征信模式 9

2.4互联网金融征信与传统金融征信 9

2.5普惠金融、互联网金融和征信的逻辑关系 10

第3章基于普惠金融审视我国互联网金融征信体系现状 13

3.1我国互联网金融征信体系发展背景 13

3.1.1中国征信体系的发展历程 13

3.1.2中国互联网金融的兴起 14

3.2我国互联网金融征信体系发展概况 14

3.3我国互联网金融征信体系的主要发展模式 15

3.3.1电商平台征信模式 15

3.3.2 P2P平台征信模式 17

3.3.3互联网金融同业数据库征信模式 18

3.4我国互联网金融征信体系现阶段面临的主要问题 18

3.4.1现有互联网金融征信体系尚未覆盖所有金融机构 18

3.4.2征信标准不统一,使得信息共享机制不足 19

3.4.3针对大众的征信体系覆盖不充分 19

3.4.4征信市场监管不到位 19

第4章 美国互联网金融征信的经验 21

4.1美国互联网金融征信发展背景 21

4.2开展个人征信的Zest Finance公司 22

4.2.1Zest Finance简介 22

4.2.2ZestFinance大数据信用评估的实践 22

4.3开展小微企业征信的Kabbage公司 24

4.3.1 Kabbage简介 24

4.3.2 Kabbage大数据网络征信的运作方式 25

第5章 我国互联网金融征信体系建设的建议 28

5.1建成全国性互联网金融行业征信系统 28

5.2明确客户定位 28

5.3构建健全的数据标准体系,实现信息共享 28

5.4运用大数据技术实现数据源多样化 29

5.5建立互联网金融征信业联合监管体制 29

5.6普及互联网金融征信知识,完善失信惩戒机制 29

第6章总结与展望 30

6.1 总结 31

6.2 展望 31

参考文献 31

致谢 34

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景目的及意义

1.1.1 研究背景


我国互联网金融的发展自2005年起步,金融和互联网的结合从早期的技术层面逐步深入到业务领域。2013年被称为“互联网金融元年”,以宝宝类理财为起点,互联网金融的各类业态均开始飞速发展。互联网金融在中国的发展速度越来越快,传统的金融业务逐渐呈现被淘汰的趋势,拥抱互联网成为了传统金融投资的新策略。正是互联网技术的高速发展,才使得普惠金融的概念在最近十年出现、传播,并不断发展壮大,且呈加速态势。“互联网 普惠金融”模式拓宽了金融服务的深度和广度,为传统金融服务未能覆盖到的广大群体提供了便捷的低成本金融服务,逐渐成为普惠金融的一个重要方向。

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