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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-02-24 10:33:47  

摘 要






In recent years, the local state-owned enterprise debt default incidents, breaking the mass of state-owned enterprises rigid payment of the psychological expectations, the local government debt is an important risk of China's present economic development,and it has also attracted more and more attention. The local government debt can influence the credit and economic safety and economic sustainability of local government. Besides, under the current fiscal decentralization, local government debt may reverse transfer to the financial institutions and the central government, which could touch off the economic crisis. Therefore, the study of local government debt risk and put forward some relevant suggestions is very necessary.

This paper first reviews the related literature, trying to find out the possibility of continuing research. After clarifying I find that the current research is mainly concentrate on the reasons of local government debt, the impact and how to prevent possible debt risk, but there is a few study about how to quantify the local government debt risk. In view of this, I decide to quantitative International China's local government debt risk, and then puts forward some suggestions and measures to resolve the debt risk.

First of all, I conduct a comprehensive analysis on the local government's assets and liabilities,and I make a preliminary judgment that the local government assets can cover the debt and the local government debt risk is under control. Secondly,I analyze the causes and effects of the local government debt,I find that the local government property rights and powers mismatch and the huge investment demand of the infrastructure area are the two key factors of local government debt generated.Thirdly, I measure the risk levels of local government debt by calculating the rate of debt ratio,the result indicate that all the provinces of the country have different levels of debt risk and the Northeast and Western provinces are most likely to burst debt crisis.Finally, I put forward countermeasures to resolve the local government debt crisis,the main countermeasure is regulating the government borrowing behavior from the source,and the same time reforming the existing financial system.

Key words:The Local Government Debt ;Quantification;Risk


第1章 绪论 1

1.1背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究综述 1

1.3本文框架 2

第2章 地方政府资产和负债分析 3

2.1地方政府资产构成分析 3

2.1.1非经营性资产 3

2.1.2经营性资产 3

2.1.3地方政府财政存款 5

2.1.4土地储备 5

2.2 地方政府资产总量分析 6

2.3地方政府主要负债项目 8

2.3.1显性直接债务 8

2.3.2隐性直接债务 8

2.3.3显性或有债务 8

2.3.4隐性或有债务 8

2.4地方政府负债总量分析 9

第3章 地方政府债务风险分析 11

3.1地方政府债务风险成因分析 11

3.1.1 地方政府财权和事权的不匹配 11

3.1.2地方政府的双主体身份 11

3.1.3相关经济政策带来的负面影响 12

3.1.4资金投向单一,收益率低 13

3.1.5地方政府拔高城市定位而扩大投资的需求 13

3.2地方政府债务风险的危害 13

3.2.1绑架宏观经济政策 13

3.2.2拖累银行业的发展 14

3.2.3损害政府公信力 14

第4章 地方政府债务风险测度 16

4.1测度过程及参数说明 16

4.1.1地方政府负债率 16

4.1.2地方政府债务率 17

4.1.3地方政府偿债率 17

4.2测度结果与分析 17

4.2.1各地负债率水平及分析 17

4.2.2各地债务率水平及分析 20

4.2.3各地偿债率水平及分析 23

4.2.4三大指标综合分析 27

第5章 防范地方政府债务风险的对策建议 28

5.1地方政府债务风险的主要应对策略 28

5.1.1加强地方政府债务源头规范 28

5.1.2设立风险准备金 28

5.1.3保证地方政府债务可持续 29

5.1.4完善地方政府融资渠道 29

5.1.5增收缩支或寻求外部援助 30

5.2化解地方政府债务风险的配套措施 30

5.2.1界定市场与政府的关系 30

5.2.2理顺中央与地方财权与事权的关系 31

5.2.3完善转移支付制度 31

5.2.4推进地方政府预算绩效管理改革 32

第6章 结语 33

6.1本文结论 33

6.2研究不足 33

参考文献 34

致谢 35

第1章 绪论







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