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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-02-24 10:28:54  

摘 要





Credit risk refers to the risk that the bank’s client borrow money from the bank,when the repayment period coming,the client can not repay the loan to the bank. Credit risk is the biggest risk in bank’s whole business process,it’s also the most important indicator that influence bank assets’s quality and liquidity.With the deepening reform of China's financial system, internet finance is maturing and legalized, the degree of openness of the financial industry continues to increase,China's commercial banks are not only facing increasing pressure on internal competition, but also face more and more serious international challenges.Therefore, improveing the level of credit risk management in China has become an urgent task. This paper will take the Agricultural Bank as the research object, this paper discusses the applicability of the improved KMV model in the empirical management of agricultural banks, and make recommendations on the credit risk management of the Agricultural Bank.

The main credit risk measurement tool used in this paper is the KMV model, this model has not only been recognized at the international level, after the introduction to our country, the model has also been shown to be highly applicable, after an investigation of the credit object of the Agricultural Bank, this article selected from the real estate, building materials, textile manufacturing, pharmaceutical biology, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, transportation and warehousing and other industries a total of 30 companies, 10 blue chip stocks, 10 general performance stocks, 10 ST stocks’ data. This paper makes an empirical study on the KMV model’s applicability to the credit clients of the Agricultural Bank. The innovation of this paper is that, the original set of default parameters from the KMV model is modified, no longer use the traditional default distance equal to short-term liabilities and 50% long-term debt parameters set.Finally,using the MATLAB program to solve the Merton equations, calculating the default distance and default probability of the sample companies .Then compared with the actual situation, and judged whether the modified KMV model can make a better measure of the credit risk of the credit client of the Agricultural Bank.

Key Words:credit risk;KMV model;agricultural bank


摘 要 i


第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2研究方法与思路 1

1.3国内外研究动态 2

1.3.1国内研究动态 2

1.3.2国外研究动态 3

第2章 信用风险计量方法的发展及分析比较 5

2.1传统信用风险计量方法发展 5

2.2现代信用风险计量模型 6

2.3 KMV模型介绍 6

2.4信用风险计量模型评价及其在我国的适用性分析 8

第3章 农业银行信用风险管理现状及问题 9

3.1农业银行的不良贷款率情况 9

3.2农业银行贷款行业和地域分布情况 10

3.3农业银行高素质风险管控人才情况 11

第4章 利用KMV模型对样本数据进行实证分析 13

4.1 实证分析步骤 13

4.1.1 选取样本公司 13

4.1.2 计算公司股权价值,股权价值波动率 13

4.1.3计算公司违约点 15

4.1.4设定债务期限T和无风险利率r 17

4.1.5计算公司的资产价值和资产价值波动率 17

4.1.6 计算公司的违约距离DD和违约概率EDF 17

4.2 实证结果分析 19

第5章 政策与建议 21

5.1综合运用先进的风险度量模型 21

5.2完善银行信用数据库的建设 21

5.3积极引进高端信用风险管理人才 22

5.4增强银行全员的风险意识 22

第6章 结论与展望 23

6.1 结论 23

6.2展望 23

参考文献 25

致谢 27

第1章 绪论




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