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 2021-02-24 10:28:52  

摘 要

IPO定价是新股发行中的重要组成部分,它涉及着融资企业和投资方等参与主体的绝对利益。反映上市主体根本价值的发行价不仅有利于股票上市后的表现,也能促进我国金融市场资源配置效率的发展。作为新兴市场的代表,我国证券市场上IPO 定价机制的变革始终得到学者们极大的关注。从证券市场建立至今,发行制度、定价方法、信息披露方式等都有了巨大的变化。在这期间更是经历了多达9次的IPO暂停重启。建立一个可持续性且能把握市场参与方的行为逻辑的定价制度,对于我国证券市场的健康发展有着极大帮助。

自2013年11月证监会颁布新询价制的建议以来,我国证券市场的新股发行制度便处于向注册制改革的过渡阶段。相较于曾经采用过的固定价格制、旧询价制,如何评价当前定价制度改革的成效成为本文研究的主要问题。同时,对我国历年的定价制度发展历程也是本文研究的重点。判断我国当前的改革方向是否科学有效,能有利于研究我国 IPO 过程中的问题,也有助于完善证券市场的运行机制。




IPO pricing is the key part in the process of stock market, which involves the absolute interests of the financing enterprises and investors. Reflecting the basic value of the main issue of the IPO price is not only conducive to the performance of the stock market, but also improve the efficiency of allocation of resources in the stock market. As the one of emerging markets, the development and reform of IPO pricing mechanism has drawn much attention. Since the establishment of the Shanghai Stock Exchange has experienced the issuance system, pricing methods, information disclosure and other basic system of a series of frequent and significant changes. During this period is experienced up to 9 times the IPO suspension to restart. The establishment of a sustainable and able to grasp the behavior of the market participants in the pricing system, for the optimization of China's securities market is of great significance.

Since November 2001, the Commission has implemented a new round of reform, China's securities market, the IPO system will be in the transition to the reform of the registration system. Compared with the fixed price system and the old inquiry system, how to evaluate the effectiveness of the current pricing system reform has become the main problem in this paper. At the same time, the development of China's pricing system over the years is also the focus of this paper. Judging whether the current reform direction is correct or not can contribute to solving problems in the process of IPO and optimizing the operation mechanism of stock market.

This article summarizes and compares the mainstream IPO pricing system in the international market through the research of literature theory. And then according to the history of China's securities market reforming, China's new pricing mechanism of the reform process is divided into two stages, namely, fixed price system and inquiry system. In the fourth chapter, the author discusses the theory of the efficiency of the new pricing mechanism. Through the market performance of new shares in China's A-share before and after the reform of the pricing system in 2013, the multiple regression model is established. Through the fitting effect of the two sets of samples, After the IPO pricing mechanism is more efficient, indicating that the direction of China's securities market reform is correct and effective. Chapter 5 puts forward constructive opinions from two aspects: the pricing system and the underwriters' management, aiming at the future reform direction of China's securities market.

Key Words:IPO;Pricing Mechanism;Efficiency


摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 研究方法与研究思路 1

1.3 国内外研究动态 1

第2章 IPO定价机制基本理论及主要类型 3

2.1 IPO定价机制概念 3

2.2 IPO定价机制类型 3

2.2.1 固定价格定价机制 3

2.2.2 拍卖定价机制 4

2.2.3 累计询价机制 4

2.2.4 混合定价机制 5

第3章 我国IPO定价机制的演变过程 5

3.1我国IPO定价制度的演变 5

3.1.1 第一阶段:1990-2004年实行固定价格定价机制 7

3.1.2 第二阶段:2005-至今实行询价制 7

3.2概述国际IPO定价制度的演变 9

第4章 我国IPO定价机制效率实证研究 10

4.1分析方法的确定 10

4.2数据来源与统计分析软件 10

4.3阶段划分及样本选择 11

4.4询价制度与注册制度的定价效率实证分析 11

4.4.1 假设的提出 11

4.4.2 模型设计与结果分析 11

第5章 结论与展望 15

5.1本文结论 15

5.2我国IPO定价机制的发展建议 15

参考文献 17

致 谢 18

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景


1.2 研究方法与研究思路


1.3 国内外研究动态

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