2020-08-20 20:02:28
摘 要
Since the emergence of the concept of Internet banking, all sectors of the financial industry have begun to closely integrate with the Internet, the insurance industry is no exception. The insurance industry is a large amount of data, and data types, data sources of the accuracy of the diversified industry, so it is in the process of integration with the Internet technology in the first to make full use of the Internet traffic, second to ensure the accuracy of data transmission in the virtual Internet system, the three must be good at reasonable and efficient storage and analysis these data. To ensure that these three points, only the use of the Internet communication channels is not enough, to the Internet is still full of the unknown field to develop more insurance products, insurance can refine the simplified process, optimization of the insurance service innovation. Conform to this trend, in recent years, big data, things, artificial intelligence, block chain and other technologies came into being, Internet insurance started from the traditional sales driven technology driven steering.
This paper mainly studies the process of integration of insurance and Internet in developed countries and in China since twenty-first Century. At the same time, it compares the difference of insurance products of three driving modes. And analyzed in recent years in the world within the scope of the traditional insurance service model to decline, while the technology driven Internet insurance began to sprout and to enter the market, took the lead in the market through the actual case of several insurance companies worldwide argument analysis of large data, Internet of things based on artificial intelligence block chain technology innovation of Internet insurance products. Finally, in the traditional health insurance as an example, the declining of traditional health insurance through the comparative analysis of China's superiority of emerging technology led to big data technology driven Internet insurance products, as well as the data in the application mode and algorithm of health insurance.
The results of this study show that Internet technology has become to promote the insurance firms into the driving factors of the surplus, the Internet insurance products fit customer, and in the future of the Internet technology and the integration of insurance for the insurance industry opened a new chapter.
Key Words:Technology driven;big data;Internet of things; artificial intelligence;block chain
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2研究目的与研究意义 1
1.3研究方法与研究思路 2
1.4国内外研究综述 2
第2章 互联网保险的发展概述与转型 3
2.1发达国家的互联网保险发展比较 3
2.1.1美英日三国互联网保险的发展 3
2.1.2美英日三国互联网保险发展方向的相似与不同 4
2.2中国保险互联网化的发展历程 6
2.2.1保险网站集体上线(1997年-2007年) 6
2.2.2线上业务得到大力发展(2008年-2012年) 6
2.2.3技术驱动型的概念萌芽(2013年-2014年) 6
2.2.4技术驱动转型保险产品迎来爆发(2015-未来) 6
第3章 现有技术驱动型互联网保险的主要类型 8
3.1技术驱动型互联网保险的界定 8
3.2大数据技术在互联网保险中的应用 9
3.2.1大数据在保险费率制定中的应用 11
3.2.2大数据在客户服务中的应用 11
3.2.3大数据在业务开拓中的应用 11
3.3 物联网技术在互联网保险中的应用 12
3.3.1物联网在车辆保险上的应用 12
3.3.2物联网在健康保险上的应用 13
3.4人工智能技术在互联网保险中的应用 13
3.4.1人工智能简化保险数据的记录和处理 14
3.4.2人工智能模拟保险经纪人定险 14
3.5 区块链技术在互联网保险中的应用 15
3.5.1 区块链解决保险企业与第三方信任危机 16
3.5.2 区块链使智能合约成为可能 16
第4章 以大数据技术为例在健康险中保费厘定的应用阐述 18
4.1我国传统健康险的经营状况 18
4.1.1业务规模小 18
4.1.2赔付情况不容乐观 19
4.2传统健康险中存在的不足 21
4.2.1信息不对称引起的企业盈利能力减弱 21
4.2.2保费费率厘定千篇一律无法匹配不同客户需求 21
4.3大数据技术在互联网健康险上做出的改进 22
4.3.1确认提交材料的真实性与完整性 22
4.3.2确立风险等级实施保费区别对待 22
4.4大数据基于聚类技术的商业医保参保人风险模型 23
4.4.1数据准备 23
4.4.2数据建模 24
4.4.3健康状况模型结果评估 25
第5章 研究结论与展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29
第1章 绪论
1.1 选题背景