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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:28:05  

摘 要

本设计结合国内外自动化集装箱码头装卸业务发展趋势,以广州港集团南沙港区四期码头发展的实际需求出发,探讨新型自动化集装箱码头的设计和建设方案。通过对国内外自动化集装箱码头的相关文献资料的检索、统计和总结,分析粤港澳大湾区、广州港集团和南沙港区自身发展的实际需求,并对广州港集团集装箱吞吐量进行预测分析,结合南沙四期码头自身的设计目标、水陆域条件、集疏运条件和航道条件,从船舶装卸、堆场布置、堆场装卸和水平运输这四个环节分析和确定码头的装卸工艺,即:远程单小车自动化岸桥 智能引导车(IGV) 远程自动化龙门吊,堆场采用平行码头岸线的布置工艺,接着根据新型自动化装卸工艺设计南沙四期码头平面布局,收集分析原始资料,计算港口建设参数,对装卸工艺方案进行技术经济论证和经济效益评价,结果表明南沙四期自动化码头装卸工艺方案可行,且能指导自动化集装箱码头建设。




The design is based on the development trend of domestic and international automated container terminal handling business and the development of Guangzhou Port Group Nansha Harbor Phase IV terminal. The design and construction of the new automated container terminal are discussed in the light of actual needs. Through the retrieval, statistics and summary of the relevant literature of domestic and foreign automated container terminals, the analysis of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, Guangzhou Port, and the construction of the new automated container terminal is carried out. The actual demand of the Group and Nansha Port Area for their own development, and the forecast analysis of Guangzhou Port Group's container throughput, combined with Nansha Phase IV The terminal's own design objectives, land and water domain conditions, collection and evacuation conditions, and waterway conditions, from ship handling, yard layout, yard handling and Horizontal transport of these four links to analyze and determine the loading and unloading process at the terminal, namely: remote single trolley automated shore bridge intelligent guided vehicle ( (IGV) remote automated gantry crane, the yard is arranged in parallel to the quay shoreline, then according to the new automated loading and unloading process. Design the layout of Nansha Phase 4 wharf, collect and analyze the original data, calculate the port construction parameters, and carry out technical analysis of the loading and unloading process. Economic demonstration and evaluation of economic benefits, the results show that the Nansha IV automated terminal loading and unloading process solution is feasible and can guide the automated terminal loading and unloading process. Container terminal construction.

Guangzhou Port Group Nansha Port District will further improve the port's production efficiency and reduce the port's cost by building a new type of automated container terminal. The production cost of the Port of Guangzhou and Nansha will increase the comprehensive competitive strength of the port enterprises and their influence in the international port circle. The comprehensive competitiveness of the port area in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area port cluster. The construction of Nansha Phase IV automated container terminal will help Nansha Port District and even the entire Guangzhou Port Group to upgrade the technology of the automated terminal. Promote Guangzhou Port Group and even the entire port cluster in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to carry out automated terminal renovation, and promote enterprises to adjust their functions, and to improve the quality of their services. Resource integration and transformation and upgrading to enhance the sustainable development of the port and contribute to the construction of the world's automated terminal "Guangzhou Solution".

Key Words:Nansha IV; Automated container terminal; Handling technology; Programme evaluation

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 背景与意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究目的 1

1.1.3 研究意义 2

1.2 国内外现状 3

1.2.1 国内研究现状 3

1.2.2 国外研究现状 3

1.2.3 研究现状综述 4

第2章 设计说明书 5

2.1 设计目标 5

2.2 基本要求 7

2.3 主要设计内容 7

2.4 拟采用的技术方案 8

2.4.1 研究方法 8

2.4.2 技术路线 9

第3章 南沙港区装箱装卸业务发展现状分析 10

3.1 粤港澳大湾区发展现状 10

3.2 广州港集团集装箱业务现状分析 12

3.3 南沙港区集装箱业务现状分析 13

3.4 南沙四期集装箱码头建设条件 15

3.4.1水、陆域条件 15

3.4.2 集疏运条件 16

3.4.3 南沙四期自动化集装箱码头航道条件 17

第4章 南沙四期自动化集装箱码头需求分析 18

4.1广州港集团集装箱业务量预测 18

4.1.1线性回归分析 18

4.1.2 S型曲线分析 19

4.1.3预测比较 20

4.2 国内外自动化集装箱码头发展介绍 21

4.3 南沙建设自动化集装箱码头发展的必要性 23

第5章 南沙四期码头装卸工艺设计及方案评价 25

5.1 南沙四期码头各环节装卸工艺确定 25

5.1.1船舶装卸 25

5.1.2 堆场布置 25

5.1.3 堆场装卸 25

5.1.4 水平运输 25

5.2 原始资料分析 26

5.2.1 港口货运资料 26

5.2.2 船型资料 26

5.2.3 码头主要机械设备参数 26

5.2.4 南沙四期码头参数 27

5.3 港口建设参数计算 28

5.3.1 确定泊位数 28

5.3.2 计算堆场面积 29

5.3.3 确定装卸机械数量 31

5.3.4 确定装卸工人及司机人数 31

5.4 装卸工艺方案的技术经济论证 32

5.4.1 投资额 32

5.4.2 装卸工人及司机的劳动生产率 32

5.4.3 单位装卸成本 33

5.5 装卸工艺方案经济效益评价 33

5.5.1 现金流量估算 33

5.5.2 净现值NPV 34

5.5.3 净现值指数NPVI 34

5.5.4 内部收益率IRR 34

第6章 总结与展望 36

6.1 设计总结 36

6.2 设计展望 37

参考文献 38

附 件 40

致 谢 42

第1章 绪论

1.1 背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景



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