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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流管理 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:28:10  

摘 要






In the modern manufacturing industry, manufacturers promote the expansion of production volume in pursuit of economies of scale, and promote customized production in order to meet individual customer needs. This pursuit of scale benefits and meeting customer needs poses huge challenges to workshop logistics. On the one hand, economies of scale lead to an increase in the number of materials, on the other hand, customized production leads to an increase in the types of materials, resulting in large quantities and varieties of parts that need to be delivered to the production line stations as planned. How to realize high-efficiency and low-cost material replenishment operation through advanced logistics system is the research content of this article.

With the basic information of the logistics background of the X enterprise workshop, this article uses the water spider material handling system combined with the Milk-Run concept to innovate its original material replenishment system. In the original system, due to the use of high-volume, low-value-added workshop logistics operations such as single-point distribution and personnel patrol, the workshop logistics costs remained high, and there were situations such as wrong delivery, missing delivery, and loss of materials. Assembly line faces downtime risk. The SMR system can use water spiders as the task executor, and realize the large-scale, multi-variety and low-frequency material replenishment operation by means of circular distribution, which effectively reduces the logistics cost of the workshop and improves the level of collaborative operations between production and logistics.

According to the relevant theoretical knowledge of water spiders and the logistics background of X enterprise workshop, this paper uses Flexsim simulation modeling software to study this problem, and builds an SMR system simulation model, designs related simulation experiments, and proves the efficiency and economy of the SMR system through the model output indicators Type, and try to further improve the SMR system through simulation optimization.

Key Words:Water spider; Workshop Logistics; Milk-Run; Flexsim; Simulation


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 2

1.2 研究现状综述 3

1.2.1 水蜘蛛研究现状 3

1.2.2 车间Milk-Run研究现状 4

1.3 研究内容及方法 5

1.3.1 研究内容 5

1.3.2 研究方法及技术路线 6

1.4 本章小结 7

第2章 相关理论概述 8

2.1 车间物流 8

2.1.1 车间物流组成 8

2.1.2 物料补给策略 9

2.2 水蜘蛛Milk-Run理论 11

2.2.1 水蜘蛛及Milk-Run的含义 11

2.2.2 水蜘蛛Milk-Run系统的组成部分 12

2.2.3 水蜘蛛Milk-Run的规划方法 12

2.3 仿真建模方式及仿真工具的选择 14

2.3.1 仿真建模方式 14

2.3.2 仿真工具选择 14

2.4 本章小结 16

第3章 X企业工厂车间现状分析 17

3.1 工厂总体现状 17

3.1.1 工厂概述 17

3.1.2 工厂架构 17

3.2 方案试点装配线现状 18

3.2.1 试点装配线 18

3.2.2 生产现状 19

3.3.3 物流现状 19

3.3 现存问题及根本原因 20

3.3.1 车间物流现存问题 20

3.3.2 根本原因 21

3.3.3 解决对策 21

3.4 SMR系统实施流程 21

3.4.1 装配流程分析 21

3.4.2 设计标准配送链 22

3.4.3 看板管理 23

3.4.4 仿真优化 24

3.5 本章小结 24

第4章 基于Flexsim的水蜘蛛物流系统仿真 25

4.1 仿真模型概述 25

4.1.1 模型简介 25

4.1.2 模型基础流程 26

4.1.3 模型评价函数 27

4.2 仿真模块介绍 28

4.2.1 实体布局模块 28

4.2.2 ProcessFlow模块 31

4.2.3 辅助工具模块 35

4.2.4 数据统计模块 36

4.3 仿真实验设计 38

4.3.1 实验目标 38

4.3.2 实验模型 38

4.3.3 实验变量 38

4.3.4 实验方案 38

4.4 实验结果 39

4.4.1 方案一 39

4.4.2 方案二 40

4.4.3 实验总结 43

4.5 本章小结 43

第5章 总结展望 45

5.1 全文总结 45

5.2 研究展望 45

参考文献 46

致谢 48

第1章 绪论

在精益生产背景下,车间物流是科研界和生产制造企业关注的重点,生产与物流的高水平协同是车间良好运行的基础。水蜘蛛Milk-Run(Water Spider Milk-Run, SMR)系统正是近年来科研界和企业在解决车间物流方面的创新性举措。本章内容分为选题背景及意义,研究现状综述,研究内容及方法三个方面。

1.1 研究背景及意义

1.1.1 研究背景


在零部件厂内物流方面,即车间物流方面,在本文内容中,车间物流主要指代零部件物流和空箱回收物流。丰田公司提出一种先进的物流精益生产改进方法,即水蜘蛛(Water spider)物料搬运系统。丰田生产系统的创始人Taiichi Ohno是最早提出“水蜘蛛”概念的人,并以日文“MIZU SUMASHI”形式出现。早期的水蜘蛛理念是指从事生产看板、物料的准备和传递的工作人员,其运载工具是“牵引车 拖车”,而经过工作标准化、载运工具标准化等过程,其已成为精益物流的重要组成部分,水蜘蛛巡线如图1.1所示。水蜘蛛将在JIT仓库、生产线之间快速运作,执行标准化的物料配送工作,并确保及时给工位提供准确数量的物料,实现可靠、及时、灵活的小批量零件交付。

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