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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-10-26 21:53:04  

摘 要







In this article, with the help of Arena simulation modeling software, taking Wuhan Jiangsheng Automobile Terminal's Zhuankou Port area as an example, on the basis of traditional ro-ro loading and unloading process design, a simulation model is established to optimize the design of the program, and different optimization combinations are obtained, and Evaluate the plan from a technical and economic perspective, and provide a feasible reference plan for the ro-ro terminal in the Zhuankou Port area.

The design mainly studied the cargo profile, plane layout and loading and unloading process flow of Wuhan Jiangsheng Automobile Terminal's Zhuankou Port area, and analyzed the characteristics and limitations of the existing loading and unloading process of the terminal. Through freight volume forecast and design task analysis, the loading and unloading process plan is prepared and technical and economic demonstration. Then introduced the Arena simulation idea and modeling process, model optimization design and parameter setting. Finally, through various evaluation indicators, the schemes are compared and selected, and the application proposal of the optimal scheme is put forward.

The result shows: At present, the loading and unloading efficiency of Zhuankou wharf is low, the queuing time of ships is long, and the utilization rate of working time of workers is low.

The characteristic of this article is that the simulation modeling is applied to the design of traditional loading and unloading process. After the loading and unloading process plan is obtained, the modeling parameters are adjusted to reflect the operating efficiency in actual production, so as to optimize the design plan and reduce the traditional loading and unloading process Designed workload.

Key words: Ro-Ro terminal, loading and unloading process design, simulation


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 设计背景 1

1.2 设计目的及意义 2

1.3 设计技术路线 2

1.4 研究现状 3

1.4.1 汽车滚装码头相关研究 3

1.4.2 滚装码头仿真建模相关研究 3

第2章 武汉江盛汽车码头基础资料 5

2.1 地理条件 5

2.2 自然条件 5

2.3 武汉江盛汽车码头发展沿革 5

2.4 吞吐量发展水平 8

2.5 汽车品牌构成及流量流向分析 9

2.5.1 航线及服务汽车品牌 9

2.5.2 商品车特征 9

2.5.3 商品车流量流向分析 10

2.6 装卸工艺特点及局限性 10

第3章 武汉江盛汽车码头沌口港区装卸工艺设计 13

3.1 吞吐量预测 13

3.2 码头规模及人员配备 15

3.2.1 泊位数计算 15

3.2.2 占用码头长度及泊位长度计算 16

3.2.3 堆场面积计算 17

3.2.4 铁路装卸线最小有效长度 18

3.2.5 商品汽车装卸工艺流程 18

3.2.6 装卸船效率及所需司机人数计算 19

3.3 主要建筑物及平面布局 21

3.4 装卸工艺方案拟定 23

3.4.1 方案拟定 23

3.4.2 方案技术经济论证 23

第4章 沌口码头装卸工艺仿真建模与优化 28

4.1 仿真概述 28

4.1.1 仿真原理 28

4.1.2 Arena简介 28

4.2 仿真模型构建 29

4.2.1 仿真假设条件 29

4.2.2 滚装码头火车装卸作业仿真模型 30

4.2.3 滚装码头轿运车装卸作业仿真模型 30

4.2.4 滚装码头船舶装卸作业仿真模型 31

4.3 模型运行及运行结果 33

4.4 模型不足与优化 38

4.4.1 模型不足 38

4.4.2 模型参数调整与优化 39

4.4.3 优化方案经济效益分析 43

4.4.4 码头平面布局及方案应用建议 45

第5章 结论 48

致谢 49

参考文献 50

第1章 绪论


  1. 汽车市场发展转型升级


2017年我国汽车市场结束2015年来的产销持续下降的趋势,产销达三年来高峰。受全球经济态势及其他因素影响,2018年汽车产销出现下滑趋势,2019年,汽车产销分别完成2572.1万辆和2576.9万辆,同比分别下降7.5%和8.2%,但产销量继续蝉联全球第一 。

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