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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-10-26 21:52:50  

摘 要




Storage space allocation planning is one of the key technical bottleneck of automated container terminal intelligent production organization.Through the research and practice of the container terminal yard management, based on analyzing and summarizing business personnel and dispatchers practical experience, combined with automated container terminalrelated processes and characteristics, the storage space allocation planning issue is proposed. Aimed at setting a reasonable match between both import and export con-groups with predicted spare space bays as the main research objective, considering many factors such as the nearest berth, blocks capacity, import amp; export blocks separate, blocks scatter , vessel distribution units etc., establishing the appropriate space allocation planning model and using genetic algorithms to solve the model. After a number of numerical examples and system testing, the system can solve complex space allocation planning problems, further proving the validity of the model and usefulness of the algorithm. Application of the system has practical value for improving the quality of space allocation planning and efficiency of loading and unloading vessels operation. Research related ideas and research methods have a certain academic value and reference for large-scale complex logistics systems intelligent optimization problem.

Key words:Automated container terminal, Yard management, Space allocation planning, Multi-objective integer programming, Genetic algorithms

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 设计背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 设计目标 4

第2章 设计任务与问题分析 6

2.1 基础资料 6

2.2 任务分析 8

2.3 问题描述 10

第3章 集装箱码头平面布局模型构建 15

3.1 符号定义 15

3.2 约束条件 16

3.3 目标函数 18

第4章 模型求解及算例分析 22

4.1 算法架构 22

4.2 编码设计和种群初始化 23

4.3 染色体修复策略设计 24

4.4 适应度函数设计 24

4.5 进化算子设计 25

4.6 终止条件设计 26

4.7 算例分析 26

第5章 结论与展望 33

5.1 设计结论 33

5.2 设计展望 33

参考文献 35

致谢 37

第1章 绪论

近年来,劳动力成本逐年攀高,且随着集装箱码头整体装备设计制造水平的不断提升以及新工艺新技术的不断完善,国内外自动化集装箱码头(Automated Container Terminal,简称ACT)已掀起新一波建设热潮。



1.1 设计背景与意义

1.1.1 设计背景




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