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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-10-22 21:51:40  

摘 要





This paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of container River-and-Sea Coordinated Transport and Railway-river Combined Transportation in routes connecting Nanjing to Liuhekou from the aspects of navigation conditions, main ports, operation environment, transport ship type and cargo flow direction. According to the flow and flow demand characteristics and operation environment of inland river cargo, select typical freight round-trip routes and ship types on the routes connecting Nanjing to Liuhekou, draw up a number of technically feasible initial schemes of transportation organization, and carry out technical and economic demonstration and sensitivity analysis on the proposed initial schemes of container transportation organization, and compare the technologies of each scheme of transportation organization , economic, social and other comprehensive benefits, combined with the actual operation of the ship to recommend specific transport organization scheme. Finally, the paper puts forward the development countermeasures and relevant suggestions to optimize the container transportation organization mode of routes connecting Nanjing to Liuhekou of the Yangtze River main line.

The research results show that in terms of the container transport organization ship types of Railway-river Combined Transportation and River-and-Sea Coordinated Transport in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, considering that the large ship economy can’t be reflected in the Yangtze River transport, it is necessary to develop 200-500TEU class container ships. After the economic demonstration and sensitivity analysis and optimization of the transport organization scheme, it is concluded that the main development 400TEU self-propelled ship and 400TEU ATB transportation organization mode in the routes connecting Nanjing to Liuhekou of the Yangtze River.

Key Words:Transport Organization Optimization;River-and-Sea Coordinated Transport;Railway-river Combined Transportation

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1背景和意义 1

1.1.1 设计背景 1

1.1.2 设计意义 2

1.2 国内外现状 2

1.2.1 国外现状 3

1.2.2 国内现状 3

1.3主要设计内容 4

1.4 拟采用的设计方法与技术路线 4

第2章 南浏航段集装箱船舶运输组织分析 6

2.1 南浏航道通航条件和主要港口现状 6

2.1.1 航道现状 6

2.1.2 主要港口现状 6

2.2 南浏航段江海联运和铁水联运发展现状 8

2.2.1 运输组织方式 8

2.2.2 长江下游集装箱船型 9

2.2.3 南浏航段集装箱货物流量流向 11

2.2.4 存在问题 12

第3章 南浏航段集装箱船舶运输组织方案确定 14

3.1确定典型航线 14

3.1.1确定的原则 14

3.1.2江海联运典型航线的确定 14

3.1.3铁水联运典型航线的确定 15

3.2运输组织方式方案拟定 16

3.2.1江海联运运输组织初始方案拟定 16

3.2.2铁水联运运输组织初始方案拟定 16

第4章 南浏航段集装箱船舶运输组织方式测算及不确定性分析 18

4.1测算思路和方法 18

4.2经济性测算 18

4.2.1经济参数的确定 18

4.2.2成本构成和计算方法 22

4.2.3经济指标的确定 22

4.2.4航线配船方法 24

4.2 测算结果 24

4.3敏感性分析 25

4.4推荐方案 27

第5章 总结和展望 28

5.1 设计总结 28

5.2 设计展望 28

参考文献 30

致 谢 32

附录 33

第1章 绪论


1.1.1 设计背景


“一带一路”倡议和自贸区、长江航运中心、长江经济带战略规划陆续实施下,长江流域对外贸和运输的需求不断扩大,长江干线航道是长江综合运输体系的主要框架,长江流域在内河航运和拉动中西部内外贸易需求上发挥的巨大作用不断提升。加上 “散改集”集装箱化运输趋势加快,长江集装箱运输需求增加,集装箱江海联运和水铁联运业务量提升,长江集装箱运输市场保持稳定增长态势。长江货物运输需求上,长江干线港口货物需求持续旺盛,由《中国港口》杂志发表[1],2019年长江干线货物通过量达29.3亿吨,同比增长8.9%,稳居世界内河第一,长江干线港口货物吞吐量31.6亿吨,同比增长11.3%,集装箱吞吐量1940万TEU,同比增长10.9%。

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