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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-05-25 22:16:23  

摘 要






Since entering the late twentieth century, as the world population grows and unprecedented expansion of production scale, the contradiction between human needs and the social resources and the environment has become increasingly prominent. Concentration of population and expanding the scale of production is a sign of progress of human society, however, the serious environmental pollution and resource consumption increasingly become the main constraints on the expansion of the scale of the city. How to improve and enhance the quality of the urban environment, and promote the harmonious development of urban ecology has become the focus of attention. Seeking to the balance between the scale of urban development with environment carrying capacity gradually become a researching focus for the researchers.

Large population, the lack of per capita resources, low level of economic development, comparing to Western countries, have made China face far more serious environment pollutions and sustainable development issues. After 30 years of reform and opening up, China's economy gained rapid development attracting worldwide attentions. However, with the development of economy, China's resources, and environment issues has become increasingly prominent. Sustainable development is facing serious challenges. Data related to environment pollutions and ecological deterioration shocks our minds. Environmental pollution is worsening, the volume of waste water, waste gas, solid waste emissions remain high or even increase every year.

Wuhan, mega-cities in central China, is also facing the dual pressures of urban development and environment protection. "Wuhan Urban General Plan (From 2010 to 2020)" is proposed the perspective of gradually constructing Wuhan to be a wealthy waterfront featuring a modern eco-city. In November 2007, the State Council officially approved Wuhan city circle as a national resource-saving and environment-friendly society comprehensive reform experimental zone, in order to explore the development model under the increasing pressure from the population, resource and environment. In this context, the study of Wuhan Environment carrying capacity has very important theoretical and practical significance to the scale of city.

Key Words:Wuhan; Transportation;scale of city ;Ecological carrying capacity

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1设计的目的及意义 1

1.2主要研究内容及方法 2

1.3论文技术路线 2

第2章 交通生态承载力与城市规模相关理论 4

2.1交通生态承载力 4

2.1.l承载力概念演化与发展 4

2.1.2环境容量概念 4

2.1.3交通生态承载力 5

2.2 城市规模 5

2.3交通生态承载力与城市规模之间的关系 6

第3章 武汉市交通生态足迹 8

3.1交通生态足迹 8

3.2武汉市城市交通概况 8

3.3武汉市交通生态足迹计算 10

第4章 基于交通生态承载力的武汉市发展规模研究 13

4.1模型简介 13

4.2武汉市交通碳排放测算 14

4.3模型推导 16

4.4最优城市规模确定 19

4.5结论分析 20

第5章 研究结论与展望 22

5.1主要结论 22

5.2相关对策与政策支持 22

5.2.1加强环境检测信息化建设 22

5.2.2 构建交通生态承载力评价制度 22

5.2.3 制定合理的交通环境政策 23

参考文献 24

致谢 25

第1章 绪论




武汉市地处我国的中部,长江穿流而过,是华中地区的中心城市,其交通便利被称为中国中部地区重要的交通枢纽。自改革开放以来,武汉市的经济发生了翻天覆地的变化。从1986~2014年的GDP来看 [1],武汉市的国民生产总值由106.35亿元增加到10069.48亿元,年平均增长率为高达12%。与此同时,快速增长的机动车的数量也给武汉市的交通带来了巨大的压力,不知从何时起,武汉市已经变成了一座名副其实的堵城。日益扩大的交通生态承载能力与城市发展之间的矛盾必然会影响到武汉市的可持续发展。因此,全力解决城市发展与交通生态之间的关系,探究武汉市的最佳城市规模,具有重要的理论和实践意义。


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