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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-03-10 23:28:32  

摘 要

三峡江北翻坝高速公路是“十三五”规划关于构建三峡综合运输枢纽体系中最重要的一条通道之一, 可以有效地缓解江南翻坝公路的压力,促进南北分流的长期翻坝格局的实现。由于翻坝公路在网络中功能定位的特殊性,其交通量预测异于普通高速公路。




Three Gorges Jiangbei turn over the dam highway is the "thirteen five" plan on the construction of the Three Gorges integrated transport hub system, one of the most important one, can effectively alleviate the pressure of Jiangnan turn dam road to promote the north and south diversion of the long-term dam pattern The Due to the particularity of the function of the dam in the network, the traffic forecast is different from the ordinary highway.

This paper first investigates the socioeconomic and transportation status of the project-related areas, together with the OD table obtained from OD survey, as the basic data of traffic forecast. Then, the traffic volume of the region is divided into three parts: trend, inducement and transfer of traffic volume. Then, the elasticity coefficient model of transportation demand based on GDP is established, and the gravity model and transfer rate method are predicted. And the OD distribution table of the three-part traffic volume is superimposed to obtain the total traffic OD distribution table. And then through the establishment of traffic distribution model to calculate the traffic volume of the project. Finally, the results of the study and the use of TransCAD software to compare the results obtained to determine the results of the error and the error caused by the reasons.

Key words: Jiangbei turn over dam highway; traffic volume forecast; four stage method


第一章 绪论 4

1.1 研究背景及其意义 4

1.2 国内外研究现状 5

1.2.1 国内研究现状 5

1.2.2 国外研究现状 6

1.3本文主要研究内容与技术路线 7

1.3.1本文主要内容 7

1.3.2本文的技术路线 8

1.3.3本文的研究方法 8

第二章 项目相关调查 9

2.1社会经济调查 9

2.2区域交通运输现状 15

2.2.1公路现状调查 15

2.2.2 铁路现状调查 16

2.2.3 水路现状调查 17

第三章 项目交通量预测 18

3.1现行交通量预测方法 18

3.1.1四阶段法 18

3.1.2回归分析法 21

3.1.3 指数平滑法 21

3.1.4弹性系数预测法 22

3.2 交通量各组成部分的预测 22

3.2.1项目交通调查及数据处理 22

3.2.2 项目交通产生与吸引预测 25

3.2.3 项目交通分布预测 29

第四章 预测结果对比分析 44

4.1 TransCAD软件简介 44

4.2 TransCAD预测交通量过程 45

4.3 交通量分配………………………………………………………………………………………………47

4.4预测结果分析 49

第五章 结论与展望 50

5.1论文成果 50

5.2论文展望 50

参考文献 52


第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及其意义




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