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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2020-04-12 14:11:37  

摘 要


通过利用3ds Max软件制作仿真模型对优化的视线诱导系统进行实验评价,对本文提出的设计方案进行验证,进一步完善设计方案得出:本文优化设计的视线诱导系统能有效改善隧道入口的视觉环境,缓和视区过渡,平均提升视距达37%,提高驾驶员的速度感、距离感、方向感,降低隧道入口照明成本,有效解决隧道入口交通事故频发的问题,提高社会,经济和环境效益。

关键词:农村公路隧道 隧道入口 视线诱导 视距视区 驾驶员视觉需求


With the rapid development of the traffic in our country, the road system has become more and more perfect. The rural roads account for most of China’s highways, and there are so many rural road tunnels, so there are some problems emerged. In road traffic, no matter it is a highway or other kind of roads, the entrance of end-wall tunnels has always been an accident-prone area. The reason of accidents are black-hole and white-hole effects which was caused by the transition of severe illumination and space, as well as the misjudgment of driving speed and direction caused by the adverse visual environment. Compared with highway tunnels, the rural road tunnels have inadequate traffic safety facilities, and many defects in existing designs, the usage of lighting facilities is low and the lighting facilities are not even be installed in some places. All these elements result in the frequent traffic accidents at the tunnel entrance.

In order to solve the above-mentioned problems in the entrance of rural road tunnels, this paper uses theories based on the visual environment of of the tunnel entrance, the visual needs of the driver, and the characteristics of the visual range in the tunnel entrance to design the tunnel entrance separately. A tunnel entrance sight guiding system which was composed by signs and guidelines, self-illumination, retroreflection technology and other safety facilities can be designed to ensure the safety of traffic a the tunnel entrance at low cost.

Through the use of 3ds Max to create a simulation model to conduct a experimental evaluation for the line of sight, verify the design proposal proposed in this paper. By further improved the designing plan, the line-of-sight guidance system optimized in this paper can effectively improve the visual environment of the tunnel entrance, mitigate the transition of the visual area, and finally it can raise the viewing distance by an average of 37%. it can also improve the sense of speed, distance, and direction of the driver, reduce the lighting costs at the entrance of the tunnel, and effectively solve the problem of frequent traffic accidents at the tunnel entrance to improve the social, economic and environmental benefits .

Key Words: Rural road tunnel tunnel entrance sight guidance

sight distance and viewing area driver visual needs


摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 我国公路隧道发展概况 1

1.1.2 我国农村公路隧道入口的安全现状 1

1.2 研究的必要性 2

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1 隧道入口交通事故研究 2

1.3.2 隧道入口交通安全设施研究 3

1.4 研究内容与思路 5

1.4.1 研究内容 5

1.4.2 研究目标 5

1.4.3 研究方法 5

1.4.4 技术路线 6

1.5 本章小结 7

第二章 农村公路隧道入口特征与交通参与者视觉特性 8

2.1农村公路隧道入口交通特征 8

2.2农村公路隧道入口环境及安全设施特征 8

2.3农村公路隧道入口事故特征 9

2.4人的视觉特性 10

2.5驾驶员视觉需求 11

2.6行人视觉需求 12

2.7隧道入口视距视区分析 12

2.8本章小结 13

第三章 农村公路隧道入口视线诱导设施优化设计 15

3.1农村公路隧道入口分段 15

3.1.1隧道入口范围及分段依据 15

3.1.2识别段 15

3.1.3接近段 15

3.1.4入口段 16

3.2农村公路隧道入口视线诱导系统 16

3.2.1线形诱导标志 16

3.2.2防撞桶 17

3.2.3减速标线 17

3.2.4猫眼道钉 18

3.2.5波形护栏 18

3.2.6警示柱 19

3.2.7黄黑立面标线 19

3.2.8反光环 20

3.2.9蓄能自发光诱导灯 20

3.2.10蓄能自发光轮廓标 21

3.3农村公路隧道入口视线诱导系统优化设计方案 21

3.3.1改善思路 21

3.3.2方案设计 24

3.3.3方案对比 32

3.4本章小结 35

第四章 仿真实验与节能评价 36

4.1仿真实验简介 36

4.1.1 3ds Max 36

4.1.2 E-Prime 36

4.1.3 SPSS 36

4.2隧道入口处视区优化实验 37

4.2.1 实验方法 37

4.2.2 实验流程 37

4.2.3 数据分析与结论 38

4.3隧道入口处视距优化实验 40

4.3.1 实验方法 40

4.3.2 实验流程 40

4.3.3 数据分析与结论 41

4.4 节能评价 41

4.5本章小结 42

第五章 结论及展望 43

5.1主要研究结论 43

5.2主要创新点 43

5.3需要进一步研究的问题 43

参考文献 45

致 谢 47

第一章 绪论










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