2020-05-24 12:34:08
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
[1].Jeffrey S. Bandar.; Michael T. Pirnot.; Stephen L. Buchwald. Mechanistic studies lead to dramatically improved reaction conditions for the Cu-catalyzed asymmetric hydroamination of olefins. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (46), 14812#8211;14818; [2]. Jennifer M. Howell, Kaibo Feng, Joseph R. Clark, Louis J. Trzepkowski, M. Christina White. Remote oxidation of aliphatic C#8722;H bonds in nitrogen-containing molecules. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (46), 14590#8211;14593; [3]. Yusuke Ebe.; Takahiro Nishimura. Iridium-catalyzed branch-selective hydroarylation of vinyl ethers via C#8722;H bond activation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 5899#8722;5902; [4] Jiaxiang Chu.; Xianghao Han.; Christos E. Kefalidis.; Jiliang Zhou.; Laurent Maron.; Xuebing Leng.; Yaofeng Chen. Lewis acid triggered reactivity of a lewis base stabilized scandium- terminal imido complex: C#8722;H bond activation, cycloaddition, and dehydrofluorination. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 10894#8722;10897; [5]. Ahmad Masarwa.; Manuel Weber.; Richmond Sarpong. Selective C#8722;C and C#8722;H bond activation/cleavage of pinene derivatives: synthesis of enantiopure cyclohexenone scaffolds and mechanistic Insights. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 6327#8722;6334; [6] Xinyao Li, Xinwei Li, Ning Jiao. Rh-catalyzed construction of quinolin-2(1H)#8209;ones via C#8722;H bond activation of simple anilines with CO and alkynes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 9246#8722;9249; [7]. Masahiro Kamitani, Balazs Pinter, Keith Searles, Marco G. Crestani.; Anne Hickey.; Brian C. Manor.; Patrick J. Carroll.; Daniel J. Mindiola. Phosphinoalkylidene and -alkylidyne complexes of titanium: intermolecular C#8722;H bond activation and dehydrogenation reactions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 11872#8722;11875. [8]. Meagan E. Evans.; Catherine L. Burke.; Sornanong Yaibuathes.; Eric Clot.; Odile Eisenstein.; William D. Jones. Energetics of C-H bond activation of fluorinated aromatic hydrocarbons Using a [Tp′Rh(CNneopentyl)] complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 13464#8211;13473. [9]. Matthew E. O#8217;Reilly.; Ross Fu.; Robert J. Nielsen.; Michal Sabat.; William A. Goddard.; III, T. Brent Gunnoe. Long-range C#8722;H bond activation by Rh(III)-carboxylates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 14690#8722;14693. [10]. Ri-Yuan Tang.; Gang Li.; Jin-Quan Yu. Conformation-induced remote meta-C#8211;H activation of amines. Nature. 2014. 507. 215-220.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
毕业设计进程安排: 2016.3.1 进入实验室,交待相关事宜,安排实验任务; 2016.3.1-2016.3.4 查阅文献,准备开题报告; 2016.3.10 提交开题报告。
2016.3.10-2016.3.31合成试验所需原料; 2016.4.1-2016.5.29选择相应的催化剂催化反应进行,筛选条件,优化反应条件;2016.5.30-2016.6.4 实验数据整理与分析。
2016.6.4-2016.6.10 撰写论文。
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