2020-04-29 19:56:36
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
1.文献查阅 掌握文献查阅的一般方法,学会使用计算机在中国期刊网,维普数据库,超星数字图书馆,elsevier、ncbi电子期刊,springer link全文电子期刊,pubmed等检索资源上查阅关于光动力疗法的相关文献。
2.文献阅读及综述 阅读与课题相关的外文及中文文献,了解国内外的研究动态,撰写文献综述。
3.明确实验任务,拟定实验方案 根据所查阅文献的内容,确定实验内容及方案,拟定科学可行的研究计划。
2. 参考文献
[1] Meng S, Xu Z, Hong G, et al. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro photodynamic antimicrobial activity of basic amino acid-porphyrin conjugates[J]. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 92:35. [2] Wainwright M. The emerging chemistry of blood product disinfection[J]. Chemical Society Reviews,2002,31(2):128-136 [3] Wilson M. Photolysis of oral bacteria and its potential use in the treatment of caries and periodontal disease. [J]. Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 1993, 75(4):299. [4] IMLAY J A. The molecular mechanisms and physiological consequences of oxidative stress:lessons from a model bacterium[J]. Nature Reviews Microbiology,2013,11(7):443-454 [5] Wilson M. Lethal photosensitisation of oral bacteria and its potential application in the photodynamic therapy of oral infections[J]. Photochemical Photobiological Sciences, 2004,3(5):412-418 [6] Chabrierrosell#243; Y, Foster T H, P#233;reznazario N, et al. Sensitivity of Candida albicans germ tubes and biofilms to photofrin-mediated phototoxicity. [J]. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, 2005, 49(10):4288-4295. [7] Jori G, Coppellotti O. Inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms by photodynamic techniques: mechanistic aspects and perspective applications[J]. Anti-Infective Agents in Medicinal Chemistry,2007,6(2):119-131 [8] Vaara M, Vaara T. Polycations as outer membrane-disorganizing agents[J]. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy,1983,24(1):114-122 [9] Kabanov AV,Batrakova EV.A new class of drug carrier:micelles of poly (oxyethytenc) poty(oxypropylenc)block copolymers as microcontainers for drug targeting from blood in brain[J].J Controlled Release,1992,2(2):141-152 [10] Hsiao C, Chen H, Liao Z, et al. Effective Photothermal Killing of Pathogenic Bacteria by Using Spatially Tunable Colloidal Gels with Nano‐Localized Heating Sources[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25(5):721-728.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2017.1.2-2017.1.19 文献查询和资料阅读 2017.1.19-2017.1.23 研究方案制定和开题报告写作 2017.1.24-2017.3.10 实践内容的准备 2017.3.11-2017.5.10 实践 2017.5.10-2017.5.15 实践内容处理与结果分析 2017.5.16-2017.6.1 毕业论文书写