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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 药学 > 正文


 2022-06-07 21:14:15  


摘 要









Celecoxib, the specific Cox-2 inhibitors,first was developed form the Sears company in USA, and it was imported to the Chinese market in 2000. As a new generation of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), it has effects in anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic. When the prostaglandin (PG) is generated, celecoxib is able to inhibit COX-2 cyclooxygenase selectively. Meanwhile the expression of COX-1 was not inhibited that is in accord with the protection of mucosa in gastrointestinal. Compared to the conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, celecoxib has lower gastrointestinal adverse reactions. However, long-term oral is easy to produce negative effects such as gastrointestinal toxicity, gastric ulcer bleeding. After oral administration celecoxib can not be completely wetted and dissolved in the gastrointestinal tube due to the low solubility. So we need further study in that drug.

Celecoxib is included to the ClassⅡin Biopharmaceutics Classification that respected to high penetration of low dissolved drugs. In our research we focus on the improvement of the water solubility of the drug using microemulsion technology. With its characteristic of high water partition coefficient preparation, we intend to the preparation of microemulsion-based organogels(MBGs) to enhance in vitro transdermal penetration and bioavailability of the drug. We did the research mainly on the following.

1. Preparation of celecoxib nanoemulsion and Establishment of the quality study of celecoxib microemulsion-based organogels

Celecoxib nanoemulsion is prepared by the method of low-energy emulsification. The composition of celecoxib nanoemulsion is determined through pseudoternary phase diagrams, solubility method and transdermal kinetic parameters. glycerol triacetate, Tween-80 and diethylene glycol monomethyl ether were used as oil phase, emulsifier and co-emulsifier,respectively. The celecoxib nanoemulsion we prepared is showed as the clea ryellowish and transparent liquid. The microemulsion characteristics are feasible such as average particle diameter of the system after diluted, viscosity, and particle morphology, which showed that effects are in good agreement with the commercial gels.

2. Pharmacokinetic studies in rabbits of celecoxib microemulsion-based organogels

HPLC method was developed for assay of celecoxib in plasma. The results showed that plasma endogenous material are non-interference to the content assay of celecoxib. The test-to-reference ratio for Cmax and AUC0–t demonstrates the better bioavailability of celecoxib microemulsion-based organogels compared to the commercial formulations.

Keywords: Celecoxib, microemulsion-based organogels, response surface analysis, transdermal release, pharmacokinetics

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 塞来昔布的概述 1

1.1.1 塞来昔布简介 1

1.1.2 塞来昔布药理作用机制 2

1.1.3 塞来昔布药代动力学研究 2

1.2 立题依据及主要研究内容 3

1.2.1立题依据 3

1.2.2本课题研究内容 3

第二章 塞来昔布的制备及含量测定 5

2.1 实验材料 5

2.1.1 仪器 5

2.1.2 试药 5

2.2 实验部分 6

2.2.1 塞来昔布微乳凝胶制备 6

2.2.2含量测定 6

2.3 结果与讨论 7

2.3.1含量测定 7

2.4 本章小结 10

第三章 塞来昔布微乳凝胶的质量评价 12

3.1 实验材料 12

3.1.1 仪器 12

3.1.2 试药 12

3.2 实验部分 13

3.2.1塞来昔布微乳凝胶理化性质评价 13

3.2.2塞来昔布微乳凝胶生物学评价 14

3.3 结果与讨论 14

3.3.1塞来昔布微乳凝胶理化性质评价 14

3.3.2塞来昔布微乳凝胶生物学评价 17

3.4 本章小结 18

第四章 塞来昔布微乳凝胶剂家兔体内药代动力学研究 20

4.1 实验材料 20

4.1.1 仪器 20

4.1.2 试药 20

4.1.3 动物 21

4.2 实验方法 21

4.2.1 血浆药物浓度测定方法的建立 21

4.3 结果与讨论 23

4.3.1专属性试验 23

4.3.2标准曲线 24

4.3.3方法回收率与精密度 24

4.3.4提取回收率 25

4.3.5定量下限 25

4.3.6家兔体内药代动力学实验结果 26

4.4 本章小结 27

第五章 结论与展望 28

5.1 结论 28

5.2 展望 28

参考文献 29

致 谢 31

第一章 文献综述

1.1 塞来昔布的概述

1.1.1 塞来昔布简介

塞来昔布是环氧酶-2(COX-2)高选择性抑制剂,是第一个新一代COX-2抑制剂,能阻止炎性前列腺素类物质的产生,达到抗炎镇痛及退热作用[1];能有效治疗类风湿性关节炎和骨关节炎,强效缓解关节炎的疼痛和炎症[2];还可以预防多种恶性肿瘤,如前列腺癌、肠道癌及口腔恶性肿瘤等的发生[3-5]。有研究表明与传统非甾体抗炎药相比,治疗量的塞来昔布对COX-1 几乎不抑制,使由于抑制COX 而引起的胃肠道不良反应的发生率显著下降[6-8]。目前在市场上主要以塞来昔布胶囊为主,为了避免胃肠道的刺激问题和首过效应,增强药效,本实验设计了塞来昔布纳米微乳凝胶剂,并对塞来昔布微乳药代动力学做进一步研究


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