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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 药学 > 正文


 2021-12-27 20:57:57  


摘 要

登革病毒(Dengue virus, DEVN)是黄病毒家族中的一个重要的成员,属于虫媒病毒(由节肢动物传播的病毒)。它是正链的单股的并且具有致病性的RNA病毒,此外还有乙型脑炎病毒、寒卡病毒、西尼罗病毒、和黄热病病毒等[1]。黄病毒为一类主要由伊蚊属的雌性蚊子叮咬传播的虫媒病毒,主要集中全世界的热带和亚热带气候地区,这是因为这些地区的蚊虫较多。但是在过去的几十年里, 由于全球气候的变化,人口不断的增长以及迁移,城市化的加剧以及有限的公共卫生干预等因素, 该病毒感染呈现逐渐扩大的趋势。目前全世界近3.9亿人受到该病的影响[2]。登革病毒分为4个血清型(1-4)其中以DEVN-2最为流行。在大多数情况下, 登革热表现为一种无临床症状的疾病,无需诊治即可自行痊愈, 但也有少数病人表现出严重的危及生命的症状,发展为登革出血热(DHF)及登革休克综合征(DSS),这两者致死率高达15%[3]。但是疫苗的开发也由于该病毒普遍拥有的抗体依赖性感染增强作用(ADE),所以截止目前为止该研究的进程十分的缓慢。当务之急是研究该病毒的致病机理,从而有针对性的开发出治疗它的抗病毒药物。

几种针对于该病毒的同源病毒--丙型肝炎病毒的NS3蛋白酶设计的药物通过了FDA的检测,而且已经进入临床。所以说针对于该病毒编码的蛋白设计药物应该是行的通的。登革病毒所编码的一种极其重要的非结构蛋白3(Non-structural protein 3,NS3),它的主要作用是将该病毒编码的前体蛋白进行一定的剪切,从而形成成熟的结构蛋白和非结构蛋白来帮助病毒完成增殖过程。而且NS3蛋白酶在辅助因子NS2B的帮助之下,活性可以增加三千到六千倍。因此,NS2B-NS3蛋白酶在该病毒的成熟以及增殖过程中显得至关重要,这也使它成为研发针对该病毒的抗病毒药物的最受欢迎的靶点之一。本课题就是以NS2B-NS3蛋白酶为靶点合成化合物用于登革热病毒的治疗。

关键词:登革病毒; NS2B-NS3蛋白酶

Synthesis of Proline Derivatives-2


Dengue virus (DEVN) is an important member of the flavivirus family. It is an enveloped single-stranded positive-strand RNA virus. In addition, there are Japanese encephalitis virus, Hanka virus , West Nile virus,and yellow fever virus, etc. Flavivirus is a type of arbovirus that mainly relies on mosquitoes, ticks and other vectors. It mainly occurs in areas where mosquitoes are more prevalent worldwide. In recent years, due to the continuous increase in global temperatures and the increasing frequency of international exchanges. The infection is gradually expanding. Dengue virus is divided into 4 serotypes (1-4), of which DEVN-2 is the most popular. In most cases, dengue fever presents as a disease with no clinical symptoms and can heal itself without diagnosis and treatment, but there are also a small number of infected persons who show severe life-threatening symptoms, which develop into DHF and DSS, with a mortality rate of about 15%. Currently, dengue virus causes approximately 392 million infections each year. Up to now, there is no specific therapy and antiviral drugs for dengue virus to treat viral infections. In addition, the development of vaccines is also facing extreme challenge due to the antibody-dependent infection enhancing effect (ADE) of dengue virus. Therefore, the most urgent task is to study the pathogenic mechanism of the virus, so as to develop targeted antiviral drugs.

Several drugs designed for the NS3 protease of the virus's homologous virus-hepatitis C virus have been authorized by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and enter clinical trials, which shows the feasibility of targeting antiviral drugs for flavivirus proteases. A very important non-structural protein 3 (NS3) encoded by dengue virus, its main function is to cut the precursor protein encoded by dengue virus to form mature structural protein and non-structural protein to help the virus to complete the process of proliferation. And NS3 protease with the help of cofactor NS2B, the activity can be increased by three to six thousand times. The NS2B-NS3 protease plays a key role in the dengue virus life cycle, making it an important target for antiviral drug development. This research is to use NS2B-NS3 protease as the target synthetic drug for the treatment of dengue virus.

Key Words: Dengue virus; NS2B-NS3 protease


摘 要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1关于登革病毒的简单介绍 2

1.2登革病毒蛋白 4

1.2.1结构蛋白 4

1.2.2 非结构蛋白 5

1.3 登革病毒抑制剂 6

1.4 本课题研究的目的和意义 6

第二章 实验部分 8

2.1 引言 8

2.2 脯氨酸衍生物的合成路线 8

2.3 实验仪器及试剂 9

2.3.1 实验仪器 9

2.3.2 实验试剂 10

2.4 实验操作及步骤 11

2.4.1 中间体化合物M1的合成 11

2.4.2 中间体化合物M2的合成 12

2.4.3 中间体化合物M3的合成 12

2.4.4 中间体化合物M4的合成 13

2.4.5脯氨酸衍生物1的合成 13

2.4.6脯氨酸衍生物2的合成 14

第三章 结论与展望 15

参考文献 16

致谢 18

第一章 绪论


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