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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-05-21 22:27:21  


摘 要


关键词:公共政策 价值取向 公共政策制定

The value in the Public Policy formulating


Public policy is one of the main ways for the government to solve social problems and alleviate social contradictions. A good public policy can not only solve social problems successfully, maintain social order and stability, but also improve the credibility of the government, and establish a nice government image. On the contrary, an unreasonable public policy will lead to social unrest, and he cost of public policy formulation, resulting in the waste of social resources. Value orientation plays an important role in the process of public policy making. It makes the relevant abandon when all kinds of interests emerge by affecting the public policy makers. In the face of complex interests, the value orientation will be the important factor when the public policy makers make the decision. Value orientation will be effected on the process of the government public policy making, public policy formulation main body often appear confused when faced with the choice of interest, easy to lose direction under the interests of the temptation, thus affecting the public policy and making public policies deviate from the basic attributes. The article will analysis and research the value orientation deviation problem appeared in the process of public policy making and find out factors that influence the value orientation, formulate corresponding measures, in order to know public policy makers to select the correct value orientation when formulate public policies.

Key words: Public Policy; value; Public Policy formulating;

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

引言 1

一、公共政策制定过程中的价值取向概述 2

(一)基本概念的概述 2

1.公共政策的概述 2

2.价值取向的概述 3

(二)公共政策的属性 3

1.公共性 3

2.正义性 3

3.合法性 4

二、公共政策制定中的价值取向的影响因素 5

(一)影响公共政策制定过程中的价值取向的因素 5

1.国家因素 5

2.经济因素 5

3.文化传统 5

4.执政党性质 6

5.公共政策制定主体 6

三、 公共政策制定过程中价值取向存在的问题及原因分析 7

(一)政策制定中的价值取向问题 7

1.政策制定主体价值取舍的困境 7

2.政策制定环境中价值取向多元化 7

(二)政策制定中存在价值取向问题的原因分析 8

1.政策制定过程中的利益博弈 8

2.政策制定中的价值取向冲突 9

四、公共政策制定中价值取向问题的思考 11

(一)优化利益的分配与结构 11

1.均衡利益结构 11

2.公正地进行利益分配 11

(二)促进社会公平与正义 12

1.重建公正政策的价值基点 12

2.弘扬公平正义 13

(三)加强民主参与 13

结语 15

参考文献 16

致谢 18





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