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 2022-05-10 20:29:25  


摘 要

提高国家经济的发展水平 ,改善人民生活条件,减少政府对外的开支,保证国家收支平衡,这一愿望是普遍国家所共有的。随着时间不断推移,西方发达国家并没有停止对政府购买公共服务研究的脚步。在研究期间,不断完善相关法律知识体系。如今,西方发达国家在这方面已经取得非常好的成绩,制度相当完备。针对这样的发展现状,要合理考虑本国经济能力,借学习发达国家的成功案例,吸取精华,将适合自己的东西引进过来,把符合我国市场化的公共服务也交由除政府部门以外的有经济条件的组织企业单位来承担,切实的能够改善政府在公共服务某方面的缺失,减少负面问题。


关键词:公共服务 政府购买  社会机构

Experience the Government Purchase of Public Services in Developed Countries and the Enlightenment to our Country




To improve the economic development level of the country, improve the living conditions of the people, reduce the external expenses of the government, and ensure the balance of national income and expenditure, this aspiration is shared by the common country. Over time, the western developed countries did not stop the study of the government to buy public services. During the study, the relevant legal knowledge system is constantly perfected. Today, the developed countries in the West have achieved very good results, the system is quite complete. According to the present development of this, to reasonable to consider their economic capacity, by learning the successful case of developed countries, absorbs the essence that will fit their own things imported over, to meet the market of our country public service delivered by organizational unit that economic conditions in addition to government departments to take, effectively to improve the lack of government on some aspects of the public service, reduce the negative problems.

This paper mainly introduces the United States, Australia, New Zealand's national on the purchase of public service efforts to investigate learning developed countries in the government purchase of public services take measures, to find out the problems of our government public service, and puts forward some measures for solving, hope can to our country government purchases of public services to help to achieve our country's economic development through the research of the developed countries.

Key Words: Public service ; Government purchase ; Social institution


摘 要 I

Abstract II

绪论 1

(一)选题依据与背景 1

(二)研究发达国家购买公共服务相关意义 1

一、政府购买公共服务概念及理论基础 3

(一)政府购买公共服务概念阐述 3

1.公共服务的概念 3

2.政府购买公共服务概念 3

(二) 政府购买公共服务理论基础 4

1.激励经济学理论的借鉴 4

2.公私多元合作与放松规制的理念 4

二、发达国家政府购买公共服务的实践及经验 6

(一)西方发达国家政府购买公共服务的实践措施 6

1.美国政府改革措施 6

2.澳大利亚有关就业公共服务改革 6

3.新西兰改革 7

(二)西方发达国家政府购买社会公共服务的经验 8

1.政府制定相关规则标准,加强监管职能由狭到宽转变 8

2.多方参与形成互助网络,实现利益最大化 8

、发达国家政府购买公共服务实践对我国的启示 11

(一)政府与社会组织友好合作 11

(二)明确政府责任,转变政府职能 11

(三)完善政府购买服务体系 12

(四)建立严苛管理监督和评估体系 12

四、我国政府购买公共服务的现状及存在的问题 9

(一)我国政府购买公共服务实际现状 9

(二)购买公共服务存在的一系列问题 9

1.政府服务意识不足,政府职能难以转变 9

2.政府购买服务的运行机制不够完善 9

3.社会组织力量发展不平衡,竞争力较弱 10

五、解决我国政府购买公共服务相关问题的对策建议 14

(一)思想文化方面 14

(二)在管理制度方面 14

1.完善公共购买服务的运行机制,促进购买服务更加规范、常态化 14

2.促进社会组织发展,营造良好市场环境 15

3.建立完善监督评估机制 15

结束语 16

参考文献 17

致谢 19



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