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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-05-09 23:39:03  


摘 要



关键词:协商民主 政协协商 基层协商 南京

Deliberative democracy research progress of Nanjing City


Since China's reform and opening up, along with the further development of socialist market economy and the people's growing awareness of democratic rule of law, the socialist deliberative democracy in our country has won the endorsement and support from all walks of life. Party's eighteen big report "a sound system of socialist deliberative democracy" major task, and it is pointed out that the status of socialist deliberative democracy, development and implementation, to adhere to the socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics development road, realize a wide range of people's democracy established the important direction. At present, the socialist deliberative democracy in China's development has made remarkable achievements. This article is the study of nanjing deliberative democracy progress, the study of nanjing deliberative democracy progress helps to develop local democracy politics, to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream is of important theoretical value and practical significance.

In this paper, on the basis of previous research and practical experience, analysis of of the Nanjing negotiation progress and reasons of democracy , deliberative democracy is now explained the important position and role , and then analyzes the problems in the development of deliberative democracy , and finally how negotiated solution to the plight of democratic development , accelerate the development of deliberative democracy put forward their own suggestions .

Key Words: Deliberative Democracy; People's Democracy; Nanjing


摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、绪论 1

(一)研究目的与意义 1

(二)研究思路与方法 1

1.研究思路 1

2.研究方法 1

二、协商民主概述 2

(一)协商民主核心概念的界定 2

1.协商民主 2

2.政协协商 2

3.基层协商 3

三、南京市协商民主回顾 4

(一)政协协商回顾 4

(二)基层协商回顾 5

四、南京市协商民主的特征和作用 7

(一)协商民主的特征 7

1.包容性 7

2.平等性 7

3.协商性 7

4.公开性 7

5.责任性 8

(二) 协商民主的作用 8

1.协商民主是社会主义民主的政治运行形式 8

2.协商民主是加快建成全面小康的重要方式 8

3.协商民主是建设和谐社会的重要途径 8

4.协商民主是党提升执政能力的决定性步骤 9

五、南京市协商民主发展过程中存在的问题 10

(一)协商过程中存在协商程序的不完善 10

(二)协商组织之间的职责定位不太清晰 10

(三)选举步骤不规范、能力存在缺陷 10

(四)基层民主参与程度低 11

(五)基层民主的实践形式还需加强创新 11

六、加强南京市协商民主发展的对策 12

(一)推进法治建设,做到有法可依 12

(二)加强制度建设,保证工作有序进行 13

(三)完善选举机制,加强培训力度 13

(五)健全表达机制,拓宽参与渠道 14

结束语 15

参考文献 16

致谢 19


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