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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-01-12 21:17:56  


摘 要




关键词:新媒体 政府舆情治理 金湖疫苗案

Research on Government Public Opinion Management of Sudden Group Incidents in the Background of New Media----Taking Jiangsu Jinhu Vaccine Case as an Example


In the era of web2.0, the social platforms based on Weibo and WeChat gradually became the gathering place of public opinion. When there were sudden group incidents, these new media platforms became the amplifiers and fermenting dishes of public opinion. Judging from the background of social development, China is currently at the stage of the social reform, and social instability is often the case, which leads to sudden and sudden group events in the society.

Different from the relatively closed public opinion environment in the traditional media era, under the blessing of new media technology, folk public opinion gradually occupied the mainstream public opinion field. The public used emerging technology to seize the front end of the crisis public opinion, which expressed the public opinion to some extent. At the same time, due to the restrictions of the people's own professionalism and the filtering of sentiment orientation, their irrational voice will inevitably lead to the blockage of the "truth" spread in the network environment. How to develop standards for the use of the media, the use of the media to provide a path for public opinion guidance, and how the government to conduct effective public opinion governance in the face of public opinion crisis are urgently needed to be addressed.

This article uses the case analysis method and content analysis method to take the Jiangsu Jinhu vaccine case as an example, fully combing the occurrence and development process of the “Jinhu Vaccine Case”, and obtained the “Jinhu Vaccine Case” in the process of analysis. A more successful experience of public opinion governance. However, in the case study, the common problems that the government has in the case of public opinion governance are also found, such as the long-term control of the government and the single means of public opinion guidance. After analyzing the problem in detail, this paper proposes a targeted solution. From the three main bodies of the government, the media, and the public, the government believes that the government should raise the awareness of crisis and conduct more prejudging research. At the same time, it must also urge media practitioners to strictly abide by the news industry. Rules, training professional ethics, and finally to guide the public to cultivate media literacy.

Keywords:New media;Government public opinion;Governance;Jinhu Vaccine Case


摘要 I

Abstract II

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究目的 2

(三)研究意义 3

(四)研究方法 4

1.案例分析法 4

2.文献研究法 4

二、相关概念界定及理论基础 5

(一)相关概念界定 5

1.新媒体 5

2.突发性群体事件 5

3.政府舆情治理 5

(二)理论研究 6

1.拉斯韦尔“5W”模式 6

2.危机公关“5S”原则 6

三、 新媒体背景下政府舆情治理的研究综述 8

(一)我国研究成果 8

(二)国际治理经验 10

四、从“金湖疫苗案”看新媒体背景下的政府舆情治理 11

(一)“金湖疫苗案”案件回顾: 11

1.发现问题:民众揭露,大V助推 11

2.舆情发酵:传播迅速,谣言兴起 11

3.政府治理:有条不紊,查罚并举 12

(二)“金湖疫苗案”实时舆情数据体现 13

(三)“金湖疫苗案”中舆情治理值得借鉴的经验 14

(四)“金湖疫苗案”中政府舆情治理存在的问题 15

1.回应时间:不及时 15

2.回应原因:舆论压力 15

3.如何回应:避重就轻 15

4.回应途径:传统单一 15

5.对谁回应:笼统官方 16

6.回应影响:未进行效果追踪 16

五、突发性群体事件的政府舆情治理存在的问题 17

(一) 治理主体: 17

1.与媒体互动不足 17

2.对民众媒介素养重视程度低 17

(二)思维:长期固化于“管”、“控”思维 18

(三)手段:舆情引导手段单一 18

六、新媒体背景下突发性群体事件的政府舆情治理的政策建议 19

(一)媒体:严守行业他律,强化道德自律 19

(二)民众:积极发声,拒绝传谣 19

(三)政府:转变思想,完善法规 19

1、转变管控思想,技术加持治理。 19

2、完善法律体系,强化法律规制。 20

结语 21

参考文献 22

致谢 25


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