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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-04-03 22:37:42  


摘 要









关键词:生鲜农产品 消费者购买决策 安全认证

Study on the impact of quality and safety certification of fresh agricultural products on consumers' purchasing decisions


In recent year, domestic fresh agricultural products safety incidents.In order to get benefit the undesirable businessman add all kinds of bad gradients into food regardless of consumer health and do a great harm to our human health. Analysis of the impact of fresh agricultural product quality and safety certification on consumer purchase decisions, has a strong practical significance.

This research takes the fresh agricultural product as the research object, and uses the questionnaire investigation to study the influence of the fresh agricultural product quality safety certification on the consumer purchase decision. Main contents include:

The chapter one is about the research background and significance of the research, as well as the research content and research methods;

The chapter two mainly review the literature of domestic and international status from the fresh agricultural products, consumer purchase behavior and safety certification;

The chapter three analyzes the development course of the quality and safety certification of fresh agricultural products, and summarizes the existing problems;

The chapter four designs the questionnaire from the quality safety of fresh agricultural products and consumer purchasing decisions from the basic situation of consumers, consumers' satisfaction degree of fresh agricultural products quality and supervision departments. The survey results show that consumers are not satisfied with the quality of fresh agricultural products and regulatory authorities, and the lack of accurate awareness of fresh agricultural products;

In the chapter five, according to the analysis of the results of a questionnaire survey that the main conclusions of this study, and according to the conclusion of the government department and enterprise and puts forward some suggestions.

The chapter six summarizes the main conclusions of this study, and points out the future research content.

Key Words: fresh agricultural products; consumer buying decisions; safety certification

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及研究意义 1

1.2研究内容与研究方法 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1关于生鲜农产品的研究现状 3

2.2关于消费者购买行为的研究现状 4

2.3关于安全认证的研究现状 5

第三章 生鲜农产品安全认证发展现状 7

3.1生鲜农产品安全认证的类型 7

3.1.1无公害农产品认证 7

3.1.2绿色食品认证 8

3.1.3有机食品认证 9

3.2生鲜农产品安全认证面临的问题 11

3.2.1质量监管部门监管不严格 11

3.2.2消费者对食品安全事件的态度 11

3.2.3知名企业仍出现食品质量问题 12

第四章 生鲜农产品消费者购买决策影响因素分析 13

4.1问卷设计 13

4.2问卷发放与回收 13

4.3调查结果的统计分析 14

4.3.1消费者基本情况分析 14

4.3.2消费者购买习惯分析 17

4.3.3生鲜农产品安全满意度分析 18

4.3.4消费者对生鲜农产品安全认证的认知分析 18

4.3.5生鲜农产品安全事件对消费者的影响 20

4.3.6消费者购买安全认证生鲜农产品的原因 22

4.4小结 24

第五章 相关对策与建议 25

5.1 研究结论 25

5.2对企业部门和政府的建议 27

5.2.1对政府部门的建议 27

5.2.2 对企业部门的建议 27

第六章 总结与展望 29

参考文献 31

附录 34

致谢 37

第一章 绪论



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