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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-02-22 19:34:42  


摘 要

随着大数据时代的到来和我国公民参政议政意识的不断加强,中国政府信息公开在近十年里快速发展,相关研究也更加深入,涉及领域也更广。本文通过“政府信息公开”、“approach to government information”等主题词检索了2007-2016十年里在中国知网和web of science发表的核心期刊文献。主要采用文献计量和知识图谱的方法,对检索到的文献进行分析。通过研究文献量、文献期刊分布、文献基金、文献机构、文献研究层次、文献被引量,能够了解政府信息公开2007-2016年间的研究水平变化与成果,并预测未来的研究发展趋势。使用软件citespace绘制的国内外主题词变迁图谱能够直观的反应信息公开领域的发展脉络,主题词分布图里的高频关键词则揭露了该领域的研究热点,而跨学科概貌图则通过交叉关联的学科展现政府信息公开所涉及的领域。



The evolution and hot spot of government information disclosure research analysis


With the arrival of the era of big data and the increasing awareness of politics participation among Chinese citizen, Chinese government information disclosure developed quickly in the past ten years, and related researches are much deeper and wider.This paper searched core journals during 2007-2016 in CNKI and Web Of Science with subject words"government information disclosure", "approach to government information"etc. Then the paper mainly use methods of bibliometrics and knowledge mapping to analyze retrieved literature. Through researches to literature’s quantity、journal distribution、fund、institution、research level and citation quantity,it’s easy to understand the research level and results of government information disclosure during 2007-2016 both at home and abroad,and predict the future development trend in this realm. The subject change maps that got by using cite space software can directly show the development in the field of information disclosure,then the high frequency words in the subject distribution maps reveals the research hot spot in the realm,the cross disciplinary overview maps show the areas that government information disclosure involved through cross related disciplines.

To sum it up, the development of government information disclosure in China is still in the early stage, there are still a lot of problems.While the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries which proposed transparent government earlier has entered the middle stage of development.China can learn a lot from these countries’ legislation, system construction, supervision system etc about government information disclosure.

Key words:government information disclosure; information disclosure; government affair information; knowledge mapping; bibliometrics

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究内容 1

1.3研究意义 2

1.4研究方法与思路 3

1.4.1 研究方法 3

1.4.2 研究思路 3

第二章 国内外文献计量分析 5

2.1 文献量分析 5

2.2 文献基金分析 6

2.3 文献机构分析 7

2.4 文献研究层次分析 9

2.5 文献被引分析 10

第三章 国内政府信息公开研究分析 12

3.1 研究内容分布 12

3.1.1 主题词变迁 12

3.1.2 主题词分布 14

3.2 跨学科概貌 15

3.3 核心期刊与边缘期刊分析 16

3.4 作者统计分析 17

第四章 国外政府信息公开研究分析 20

4.1 研究内容分布 20

4.1.1 主题词变迁 20

4.1.2 主题词分布 22

4.2 跨学科概貌 23

4.3 核心期刊与边缘期刊分析 24

4.4 作者统计分析 25

第五章 国内外政府信息公开研究分析 26

5.1 研究总体情况对比 26

5.2 研究趋势 28

参考文献 30

致谢 34

第一章 绪论




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