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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2021-11-06 23:14:21  

摘 要



本文针对高校青年大学习的落实情况,采用互联网技术建立了一套合理高效的管控流程,开发青年大学习数据反馈系统,实现青年大学习的流程信息化和规范化,减少了人力的投入和成本,提高了青年大学习在青年学生中的落实学习比例。起到了对武汉理工大学各级团委青年大学习的督导工作, 推动了同学们真正把“大学习”落细落实、抓出成效。

系统采用前后端分离的C/S体系的软件框架,以MySQL 5.7作为数据库,采用VUE.js作为前端开发框架,Spring框架作为后端技术体系,以请求接口的形式完成前后端的数据传递。论文以青年大学习的结果展示为入口,通过对高校各级团组织和学生的跟进,对青年大学习落实流程进行了全面的调研和梳理。详细的对需求进行细化,完成了系统的分析和设计,最终完成了系统的开发和测试工作,最终实现了青年大学习数据反馈系统的开发完善工作,对提升高校团组织青年大学习的落实率有极大帮助。



On March 9, 2018, with the broadcast of the first season of young people's college study, the central committee of the communist youth league (cyl) began to provide theoretical arms and ideological guidance to young students in the form of a public account, centering on "xi jinping thought on society with Chinese characteristics for a new era". However, it is a great pity to have good information learning resources but lack of corresponding information means for implementation and publicity.

How to implement the youth of the young students learning, is leading cadres at the grass-roots level and is responsible for the youth to learn to carry out the guidance of teachers are very concerned about the place, strengthen the supervision of "youth learning", to carry out "the youth learning" action results as an important indicator of evaluation of youth league organizations at all levels, but because of the large scale of college, many students and youth league organizations at all levels, difficult to implement, head of the students response is difficult, can't stabilize good implement down a young learning study.

In view of the implementation of youth learning in universities and colleges, this paper adopts Internet technology to establish a set of reasonable and efficient management and control process, develops a data feedback system for youth learning, realizes the informatization and standardization of youth learning process, reduces the input and cost of manpower, and improves the proportion of youth learning implementation. Regular supervision was given to the work of the youth league committees at all levels to ensure that the work was carried out in detail and that results were achieved.

The system adopts the software framework of the C/S system separated from the front and rear ends, MySQL 5.7 as the database, vue. js as the front-end development framework, and Spring framework as the back-end technology system to complete the data transmission of the front and rear ends in the form of the request interface. Based on the results of youth university study, this paper conducts a comprehensive investigation and analysis on the implementation process of youth university study by following up the youth league organizations and students at all levels. Detailed requirements were refined, system analysis and design were completed, and system development and testing were finally completed. Finally, the development and improvement of the data feedback system for youth learning was realized, which was of great help for improving the failure rate of youth learning organized by the youth league in colleges and universities.

Key words: Data feedback; University; System development and design; Youth Study;


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 选题目的和意义 1

1.2.1 理论意义: 1

1.2.2 现实意义 2

1.3 国内外研究现状综述 2

1.4 主要研究内容和实施步骤 3

第2章 系统分析 5

2.1 系统需求分析 5

2.1.1 功能性分析 5

2.1.2 非功能性需求 5

2.2 业务流程分析 6

2.2.1 录入往期青年大学习 6

2.2.2 本期学习流程 7

2.2.3 人员管理流程 8

2.2.4 本期学习录入 8

2.3 数据流程分析 9

2.4 数据字典 10

2.4.1 数据项 10

2.4.2 数据流 11

2.4.3 数据处理 12

2.4.4 数据存储 13

第3章 系统设计 14

3.1 系统总体设计 14

3.1.1 功能结构设计 14

3.1.2 系统开发环境 15

3.2 编码设计 16

3.3 数据库设计 16

3.3.1 数据库概念结构设计 16

3.3.2 关系模式设计 18

3.3.3 关系数据库设计 18

3.4 输入输出设计 20

3.4.1 输入设计 20

3.4.2 输出设计 21

3.5 系统安全设计 21

3.5.1 登录系统设置 21

3.5.2 权限管理 21

第4章 系统实施与测试 22

4.1 系统实施 22

4.1.1 实施计划 22

4.2 模拟运行 23

4.2.1 登录 23

4.2.2 系统菜单栏(超级管理员角色登录后) 23

4.2.3 本团组织管理 24

4.2.4 上传学习记录 24

4.2.5 上传本期学习问题 25

4.2.6 上期查询 25

4.2.7 数据导入界面 26

4.2.8 本团组用户导入 26

4.2.9 团组织管理 27

4.2.10 期数录入界面 27

4.3 系统测试 27

4.3.1 系统测试的目的与方法 27

4.3.2 测试内容 28

第5章 总结与展望 29

5.1 全文总结 29

5.2 研究展望 29

参考文献 31

致谢 32

附录A 系统核心代码 33



2018 年 3 月 5 日,共青团中央下发红头文件:《关于在全团实施”青年大学习“行动的方案》[17]的通知。文件指出“要加强对青年大学习的监督考核,对各省级团委工作情况进行经常性督导, 推动全团真正把这项工作落细落实、抓出成效”。而各个省级团委则分管各个高校的团组织。因此为了引导广大的青年深入学习宣传贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,各个高校开始了青年大学习的推广与监督工作。




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