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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2021-05-06 13:11:16  

摘 要



关键字:活动管理,Android,信息化平台, 移动产品


With the development of the mobile Internet and the popularity of smartphones, subject education in colleges and universities, daily activities,community management, daily management and so on various aspects of the influence of also more and more big, with the continuous in-depth, the mobile Internet information technology to speed up the process, people are longing for rapid, efficient and simple way to obtain first-hand information.So to build such a communication and information sharing platform is urgently needed.Association for information management objective is to establish information sharing and exchange platform, but in the present management are almost based on the original manual management mode, especially the activity management this piece, from the event planning, activities, activities feedback, data collecting and organizing are based on the original manual management way.Not only deal with low efficiency, and in the process of processing error rate is big.

This project based on the Android platform, according to the actual needs of the association for project analysis, design, development and implementation process.From general users and publishers two dimensional demand for application design and development, solve the association activity management activities in the process of distribution, promotion, activity feedback, data collection and analysis, and the activities of delivery problems, but also to the user's requirements in terms of deep excavation, in the process of using information technology to solve the potential problems.

Key Words: activity management, android, information platform, mobile product


摘 要......................................................................I


第1章 绪论......................................................... ......1

1.1课题研究背景 1

1.1.1社会背景 1

1.1.2协会背景 2

1.2选题目的及意义 2

1.3国内外研究现状与发展 3

1.3.1国外校园APP现状 3

1.3.2国内校园APP研究现状 4

第2章 关键技术和框架介绍 ..................................................5

2.1 Bmob技术 5

2.2 SharedPreferences存储技术 5

2.3 Universal-Image-Loader开源框架介绍 5

2.4 PullToRefresh开源框架 6

第3章 可行性分析 ..........................................................7

3.1技术可行性分析 7

3.2经济可行性 7

3.3进度可行性 7

3.4 小结 7

第4章 需求分析 ............................................................8

4.1业务需求 8

4.2用户需求 8

4.3功能需求 9

4.3.1系统描述 9

4.3.2角色权限定义 10

4.3.3以个人用户为需求维度的功能需求 10

4.3.4以活动发布者为需求维度的功能需求 11

4.4非功能需求 12

第5章 系统设计 ...........................................................14

5.1系统功能模块划分 14

5.2数据库设计 14

5.2.1 数据模型—ER图设计 14

5.2.2数据库设计 15

第6章 详细设计与实现 .....................................................18

6.1登录模块设计与实现 18

6.2注册模块的设计与实现 19

6.3首页及其导航栏的实现 21

6.3.1底部三个导航栏的实现 21

6.3.2Builder构造器 23

6.4活动详情页的设计与实现 23

6.5我的个人中心页的设计与实现 24

6.6活动发布模块 27

第7章 系统测试 ...........................................................29

第8章 总结与展望 .........................................................30

8.1总结 30

8.2展望 30

参考文献 ...................................................................31

致谢 ...................................................................32





随着移动互联网的发展,触屏时代的到来,人们的生活越来越离不开智能终端,其中以手机为主,手机占据了人们日常生活的很大部分。智能手机能够迅速普及很大程度上得益于移动终端和手机APP, 2010年,iPhone的热销及其推动的移动APP产业改变了整个互联网。


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