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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2022-06-09 22:58:36  


摘 要




关键词:服务外包 高绩效人力资源管理 企业绩效

The Research of Human Resources Outsourcing Services Industry Practice Effects on Enterprise Performance


Globalization, digitization and networking are characteristic of the new economic era. The human resource management is directly related to enterprise's prosperity and decline success or failure. Human resource management in the process of the healthy and long-term development of the enterprise also showed an increasingly critical role. While the traditional personnel management no longer meet the requirement of enterprise development. Human resource management is step into a period of high performance human resource management. Enterprises through the high performance of human resource management form their own core competencies. In this way can enterprises in the fierce market competition to achieve sustained competitive advantage.

However, the impact of high performance human resource practices on enterprise performance, the process and mechanism of the influence is good or bad, So far in the academic aspect has not yet been determined. Theoretical framework of this article is based on high performance human resource management. This paper combines the research related to enterprise performance. This article through the system description to illustrate the relationship between human resource management practice and enterprise performance, so the enterprise human resources management activities affect the process and mechanism of enterprise performance, to prove the value of enterprise human resource management activities.

In the final part of this article, through the actual case of high performance human resource practices which has a positive influence on enterprise performance gives some my own opinions and suggestions on relevant service outsourcing industry of human resource management activities.

Keywords: Service outsourcing; High performance human resource management; Enterprise performance


摘要 Ⅰ


第一章 引言 3

1.1研究背景及问题 3

1.1.1服务外包产业的背景与发展 3

1.1.2研究问题 3

1.2研究意义 4

第二章 人力资源管理研究综述 5

2.1人力资源管理的基本问题 5

2.2高绩效人力资源管理 5

2.2.1高绩效人力资源管理相关理论背景 5

2.2.2高绩效人力资源管理定义 6

2.2.3高绩效人力资源管理内容 8

第三章 企业绩效 9

3.1企业绩效的内涵 9

3.2企业绩效的评价模式 10

第四章 人力资源实践影响企业绩效的机制 12

4.1高绩效人力资源实践与企业绩效 12

4.2人力资源实践各环节的影响机制 13

4.2.1合理清晰的人力资源规划与企业绩效 13

4.2.2及时有效的招聘工作与企业绩效 14

4.2.3广泛培训、开发与企业绩效 15

4.2.4结果导向的绩效评估与企业绩效 17

4.2.5绩效薪酬机制与企业绩效 17

4.2.6健康的劳动关系与企业绩效 18

第五章 服务外包产业下的人力资源管理 19

5.1服务外包概述 19

5.1.1服务外包的定义 19

5.1.2服务外包的类型 19

5.2服务外包产业的现状 20

5.3服务外包产业与人力资源管理 21

第六章 案例分析 22

6.1 TD公司简介 22

6.2基于TD公司案例分析 23

第七章 总结 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 30

第一章 引言







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