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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2022-04-17 22:21:17  


摘 要

高绩效工作系统(High-performance work systems),也称高参与工作系统、高承诺工作系统,是近年来战略人力资源研究领域的一个热门话题。对高绩效工作系统的研究以往大多针对于制造业,目前我国学者对房地产行业的高绩效工作系统研究也是相对较少。鉴于此,本文系统梳理了房地产行业高绩效工作系统的结构维度、影响因素与作用机制等相关研究,并对今后研究进行展望,旨在能为房地产行业高绩效工作系统的相关研究提供借鉴。


关键词:高绩效工作系统 房地产行业 人力资源实践

Research on High-Performance Work Systems of Real Estate Industry


High-performance work systems, also known as high-involvement work systems, high-commitment work systems, is a hot topic in the field of research on strategic human resource management. Previous studies of high-performance work systems are mostly directed to the manufacturing sector, and currently our country scholars in the real estate industry high performance work system research are also relatively small. In view of this, this article systematically reviews the relevant studies of the structural dimensions of the real estate industry of high performance work systems, influencing factors and mechanism and for future research outlook aims to provide a reference for relevant research in the real estate industry of high performance work systems.

This paper is mainly divided into three parts, the first part, from the perspective of the related concepts, an overview of the structure dimensions of high-performance work systems, influence factors and mechanism of action; the second part, specific to a single industry, the composition of high performance work system and the influence mechanism is analyzed in real estate industry; The third part,enter into the entity enterprise, analyzing the enterprise how to effectively use high-performance work system to improve enterprise performance and to summarize, which can make it for reference and applied to the whole industry.

Key Words : High-Performance Work Systems Real Estate Industry Human Resource Practice


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究对象和目的 1

1.3研究方法 1

第二章 文献综述 2

2.1高绩效工作系统结构维度 2

2.2高绩效工作系统影响因素 2

2.3高绩效工作系统作用机制 3

第三章 房地产行业高绩效工作系统企业特征与影响效应分析 4

3.1房地产行业高绩效工作系统企业特征分析 4

3.1.1企业性质比较 4

3.1.2企业规模比较 4

3.1.3企业年限比较 5

3.1.4是否为上市公司比较 6

3.2房地产行业高绩效工作系统影响效应分析 6

第四章 案例分析 8

4.1案例选择依据 8

4.2案例分析 9

4.2.1严格的招聘和甄选 9

4.2.2广泛的培训 10

4.2.3系统的绩效考核 11

4.2.4激励性薪酬 12

4.2.5员工参与 13

4.2.6沟通分享 14

4.2.7完善的福利保障 14

4.3案例研究结论 15

第五章 结论与启示 16

5.1主要研究结论 16

5.2管理启示 16

5.2.1适当提高招聘门槛,寻找合适的招聘渠道 16

5.2.2 定期对企业员工展开职业培训,不断提升员工业务技能 16

5.2.3建立动态公平具有激励性的绩效考核与薪酬体系 17

参考文献 18

第一章 绪论






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