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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2022-02-27 21:26:02  


摘 要




关键字:高校科协 人才队伍 机制优化

University association for science and technology service personnel mechanism optimization study of local economic development


In the 21st century today, for the sake of university association for science and technology for sustainable development, mobilize personnel, to coordinate with the local economic construction and social development development path.

In the article, first of all, according to the study of the theory of the association of colleges and universities for its functions, the present situation of the talent team construction and how to security personnel.The association of colleges and universities is studied to optimize the present situation of the talent service place, analyzed the existing problems and the cause of the problem.Then study the optimization mechanism of association for science and technology personnel in colleges and universities.Once again, we analysis with the examples of northwestern polytechnical university, study the optimization of specific measures.Finally some conclusions are drawn, according to these conclusions countermeasures and Suggestions are given.

Paper puts forward a few views, the first university association for science and technology services to the local economy depends on talent, the talent optimization second and we should have a more in-depth understanding and research, in view of the specific conditions of a certain talent team construction.

Key words: University association for science and technology;Talent team;Mechanism optimization

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 导论 1

1.1论文研究背景、目的及意义 1

1.2文献综述 1

1.2.1高校科协的现状 1

1.2.2高校科协的组织架构 1

1.2.3高校科协的发展模式 2

1.2.4高校科协的性质 2

1.2.5国内经验 3

1.3研究内容与技术路线 4

1.3.1研究内容 4

1.3.2技术路线 4

1.3.3创新与不足 4

第二章 高校科协优化服务地方经济的概述 6

2.1高校科协的职能 6

2.2高校科协人才队伍建设现状 6

2.2.1人才流动 7

2.3高校科协人才队伍保障 7

2.3.1改变固有的观念,发挥人力资源的优势 7

2.3.2改善、创新制度,优化人才成长的环境 8

2.3.3海纳百川,促进人才的国际化交流 8

2.3.4放眼于未来,注重中青年人才的建设 8

2.3.5合理把握分寸,注重可持续发展 8

第三章 高校科协优化人才对服务地方经济现状的现状、问题、成因 10

3.1现状 10

3.2问题 10

3.2.1人才层次界定不明确 10

3.2.2人才引进与培养不协调 10

3.2.3人才评价制度不健全 10

3.2.4人才的薪酬管理不合理 11

3.3成因 11

3.3.1地方高校科协未来定位不清晰,使高素质人才了解错误 11

3.3.2没有制定可持续发展的人才引进计划,导致引进和培养不协调 11

3.3.3高层次人才的薪酬管理缺乏综合的理念 11

3.3.4因为没有进行深层次的探讨导致评价机制不完善 11

第四章 高校科协人才队伍优化的机制 12

4.1建设制度优化的科学内涵 12

4.2人才队伍优化机制 12

4.2.1变革人才引进制度,招揽人才不拘一格 12

4.2.2变革人才培养制度,优化人才整体队伍 13

4.2.3变革人才利用制度,强调人尽其用 13

4.2.4变革人才服务制度,坚持以人为本 13

第五章 案例分析 15

5.1案例介绍 15

5.2优化人才队伍的具体措施 15

5.2.1服务大学学者的发展表现 15

5.2.2服务学术共同体学术交流 15

5.2.3服务大学社会功能的实现 16

5.3经验启示 16

第六章 对策建议 17

6.1高校科协职能再调整 17

6.2立足创新,培养高新技术人才 17

6.3优化政策环境,深化体制改革 17

6.4充分发挥科技工作者的主观能动性,为科协发展出谋划策 18

参考文献 20

致谢 22


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