2021-11-06 23:21:41
摘 要
With the advent of the New career Era, people's career changes are more and more frequent, which means that the flow of people across the organization is increasing, the composition of members within the organization is more diversified, and people are more and more likely to work with colleagues who use the same national language for dialogue in the organization. Because people can't participate in conversations they can't understand, language diversity increases the possibility of language based exclusion in the workplace, and it is also a possible source of interpersonal conflict in social and workplace interactions. Based on the sociometer theory, this study explores the possible negative effects of linguistic ostracism in the workplace, and illustrates the boundary conditions for weakening the negative effects of linguistic ostracism in combination with information-processing perspective. The results of this study show that the mediating role of language exclusion through state self-esteem is negatively correlated with citizenship behavior and positively correlated with counterproductive work behavior; the degree of friendliness of implementers moderates the negative correlation between language exclusion and state self-esteem, and also moderates the relationship between the mediating role of language exclusion through state self-esteem and citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior. This study combines the theory of sociometer theory with information-processing perspective, which provides a basis for the theory of sociometer theory to monitor the surrounding environment information, and provides a new perspective to explain the negative impact of language exclusion and alleviate its negative impact. Finally, The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.
Key Words:Linguistic Ostracism;State Self-Esteem;Sociometer Theory;Information-Processing Perspective;Citizenship Behavior;Counterproductive Work Behavior
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 问题提出 1
1.3 研究意义 3
1.3.1 理论意义 3
1.3.2 实践意义 3
1.4 研究内容 4
1.5 研究方法 4
1.6 技术路线 5
第2章 研究变量文献综述 6
2.1 语言排斥 6
2.1.1语言排斥起源与发展 6
2.1.2语言排斥概念界定 7
2.1.3语言排斥相关研究 9
2.2 自尊 11
2.2.1自尊概念界定 11
2.2.2自尊的结构和分类 12
2.2.3状态自尊相关研究 13
第3章 研究理论基础 14
3.1 社会计量器理论 14
3.2 信息处理理论 15
第4章 理论与假设 17
4.1 语言排斥与状态自尊 17
4.2实施者友善的调节作用 17
4.3语言排斥与员工行为 19
4.3.1语言排斥与反生产行为 19
4.3.2语言排斥与公民行为 20
第5章 研究过程与结果 22
5.1研究方法 22
5.1.1样本和程序 22
5.1.2变量测量 22
5.2研究结果 23
5.2.1同源误差检验 23
5.2.2区分效度检验 23
5.2.3描述性统计结果 24
5.2.4假设检验 26
第6章 研究总结与展望 29
6.1 理论意义 29
6.2 实际意义 30
6.3 局限与未来研究方向 31
参考文献 33
附录A 研究调研问卷(时点1) 43
附录B 研究调研问卷(时点2) 49
致 谢 55
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
随着经济的高速发展,组织结构越来越倾向于扁平化,团队或工作组的形式在组织中逐渐盛行。这样的形式加强了团队内部的交流,也让人际交往变得越发重要。然而,在人际交往扩大的背景下,由于竞争压力、员工个性等多种因素,人际交往不良往往增加。其中最受到关注的就是职场排斥行为。Duffy,Ganster和Pagon[1]提出排斥是一种非常明显的组织破坏行为。这类破坏行为可能是采取直接行动(如口头贬损)或隐瞒行为(如未能向同事提供重要信息或避开其他员工)的形式[2]。尽管职场的排斥并不像其他有害行为,例如侵略或骚扰那样明显,但其影响却是有害的,因为它涉及“社会参与的丧失”[3]。研究发现这样的组织社会化实践增加了员工对不公平待遇的认识[4],减少了员工对组织的承诺 [5]和员工的公民行为 [6, 7]。因此,工作场所的排斥可以被认为是一种消极的破坏行为,损害了组织或其雇员。